Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords
Originally Posted by claytonender
The scheme was actually approved at a meeting of Hyndburn Borough Council's Cabinet on 3 March 2010 see agenda below
and also the minutes of the meeting
Minute number 506 refers.
The scheme was on the agenda of the Council meeting on 30 March 2010, but was only a report of a key decision informing the Council meeting of the Cabinet decision, this is a link to the report presented -
So your remarks about Labour councillors telling everyone of the decision are disingenuous.
So maybe you should apologise for your ignorance of the correct information.
Also it might be helpful if you could inform everyone, which HBC councillors are landlords.
My information was supplied on two separate occasions by the current head of licensing Mr Julian Hickinbottom (apologies if not spelt correctly) Please feel free to check what I have been advised with him directly . The fact that the cabinet agreed the scheme, does not take away from the point that formal approval from the DoC was still to be received.
I do however apologise for making a big deal over this point and for the record concur the ultimate outcome would not have altered.
Perhaps you could comment on all of my other points.
Last edited by Mick; 15-04-2010 at 05:04.
Reason: no phone numbers without the owners permission