Originally Posted by Stumped
Don't tar all women police officers with the same brush. I served for a while under a woman inspector, Wynn Darwin who had more about her than many of her male counterparts. So much so that a TV series was made parallelling her career and filmed in the Rossendale Valley. Don't recall the name of the series, but I know it was well received at the time.
It was a humorous post.
Hence the wink.
Though in my defence, her hair style is a shocking mess, and doesn't look very professional.
You end up watching the barnet, instead of listening to what she's saying.
True, it won't affect how she does the job, but in a position in which you are a media spokesperson, which she has been many times this past week, she should not have an apearance that is more noteworthy than what's being said.
No need to spend hours away from the investigation.
Two kirby grips, and an elastic band, would have done the job.