Re: Edward V11 - Prince of Pleasure" BBC2 at 9pm
Probably whistling in the wind, but need to investigate further.
It turns out that Caroline's husband, the Marquis de Jaucourt, is related to every crowned head in Europe, through the Hanovers, and is a blood relative of our Queen Victoria.
Now for the grasping at straws.
My paternal grandmother told me she had an aunt who was related to Queen Victoria. She also told me we were descendents of Hogarth, which explained her's, and my own, artistic leanings. So I took all this with a pinch of salt.
I have never heard of any blood ties that Queen Victoria had to Accrington, other than through this information about the Marquis de Jaucourt.
My grandmother's family were Worsley-Taylors, and in the C19th lived at Moreton Hall, near Whalley Nab. My grandmother stayed there as a child, and was invited to a demolition party in the fifties, when the Elizabeathen house was pulled down. Only the gatehouse survives, which you can see on Whalley Rd.
Since Caroline Steiner had so many siblings, did any of them marry a Worsley-Taylor, or which there were equally many off-spring?
Is there any truth in my grandmother's tale?
I never remeber her telling me anything that she didn't believe to be true.
Further investigation required.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.