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Old 08-11-2010, 21:34   #19
Ken Moss
Common Sense Member

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Re: Free grit for all!

Originally Posted by gynn View Post
While you were all together what was said about the markets?
That's where the incredulity sets in.

The last full council meeting was in July, we're supposed to have them every six weeks to discuss the really important issues across the borough but for one thing the Leader of the Council doesn't like them that regularly and for another the last scheduled one was cancelled altogether following the death of John Griffiths rather than merely postponed.

Today's meeting was what is referred to as an extraordinary meeting in which only one major issue is discussed that cannot wait until the next scheduled full council.

The current Conservative majority is just two, with the three independent councillors likely to support Labour during voting, hence the majority is lost and any awkward motions which may be put to the council have a real chance of being passed.

If the Baxenden bye-election goes the wrong way for Cllr Britcliffe then the few remaining full council meetings until next May will be somewhat tricky for him.
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