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Old 09-11-2010, 17:58   #47

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Re: Free grit for all!

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
Oops..I missed Nicholson's earlier post.

So all 80,000 people are legible for a bag?

£6.6m divided by 80,000 = £82.5pds per bag, or £5.16p per kilo, or £5,156pds per metric ton. Still not quite there, Ken.

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Originally Posted by Whittaker View Post
I think you should all wonder how councillor Moss and Councillor Wells have calculated the cost of this Grit exercise and ask what propaganda you read on this site from Councillor Moss. You all really need to ask yourselves do you really want these people in charge of Hyndburn cause your council tax maybe tens of thousands if you let them calculate it as they got £6.6 million for the grit get a calculator !!!
Or maybe until we know a little more about you, (14 posts and counting), we should treat what you say with a pinch of salt?
Why should we Less? Just because he has a low post count does not mean he can't see the £6.6 million is a ridiculous amount.

A quick google here shows grit costing 24.5p per kilo or £235 per ton and that is only when you buy it at a ton a time in 25Kg bags. If you were spending £6.6 million you would get a little discount

HBC's website is suggesting the current population is about 82,220

6600000 / 245 = 26,938 tons of salt they could buy

26938 / 82200 = 0.33 tons per person in Hyndburn or about 20 bags each (16kg bags)

So I think the £6.6 million is rubbish.

It would cost more like £300,000 to give everyone in Hyndburn a 16Kg bag each
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