Thread: Am I in danger?
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Old 13-11-2010, 17:52   #1
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Am I in danger?

I have two PC set ups.
I had one in the lounge and the (unused) spare in the bedroom.
I decided to bring the spare into the lounge and set it up for use (beside the other one ).

It was last used about 6 months ago and is actually the newer of the two.
I set it up and switched on - it still works OK(so far), so I closed it down and started juggling with where to put the extra keyboard.

As I put the keyboard on top of the tower, I touched the tower casing
...and got a mild static type? electric shock, so I immediately unplugged that tower.

I ask - is it possible that what I felt was just static, or do you think somehow the tower casing became live.
Has anyone known of static builld up before?

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