They Used to be Called 'Crab Sticks'.
O.K. years ago it didn't matter that they didn't have crab in them, they did sort of taste of crab.
We then ended up with them being called 'Fish Sticks', a touch blande but now and then, if you closed your eyes you could imagine a crab might have shared that part of the sea the white fish was caught in.
Now they are called, 'Seafood Sticks', does this mean we've skipped a level or two?
Instead of eating anything like crab or even white Fish, we are now eating the stuff they feed the fish?
If so, no wonder stocks of fish are low, if I had to live off such flavourless trash I wouldn't bother about replenishing the species either.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting