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Old 11-02-2011, 13:03   #27
God Member

Re: Blue bins and blue bags

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Because they don't need to keep recycling police checking the bins employed just to make sure we haven't put an envelope with a window in their White sack.
But I know a town that does.
you had a visit off the gestapo as well then lol

when the gestapo visited me a few years ago i made a counter offer of them paying me £10 per hour as a council employee part time to wash out tins,jars and sort paper into the appropiate place to cover water meter charges,heated water , storage on my property and danger money handleing the sharp edges on tins.

yes i was taking the mick i tend to when somone thumps on my front door enquiring about my waste habbits in the morining but the gestapo been the gestapo didnt have a sense of humour and left in a huff and as of yet my offer has not been responded to
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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