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Old 26-02-2011, 23:55   #211
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Re: parking on Blackburn Road

The car you spotted being booked was posably mine, Shillelagh...4-26PM was the time on the ticket if that will help. I have a disabled badge, and parked at 2 PM... Oh no, I should have moved the car by 4 PM...On a Saturday ? at late afternoon ? Not a lot of people or traffic about ? Why was this so criminal? Was the mayoral hellicopter about to land in my parking bay..Should I have told someone that the badge was issewed by the Christie Hospital because I have Leukaemia..We began with parking on the pavement and straddling double yellow lines on Blackburn road ..If the police got it together they could make £10.000 a week in fines on this section of road...I have seen police cars just drive passed offenders as if they where not there...Me ? I would end up on a charge if I did it....What's going on ??
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