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Old 27-02-2011, 17:08   #222
God Member

Re: Parking on Blackburn road

the amount of taxis i see with defective brake lights,headlights etc is dunbfounding considering taxis are supposed to have 3 MOT's a year.I rang the council asking if they still carried out spotchecks as i couldnt believe so many taxis were allowed to operate in an unroadworthy condition and putting passengers safety at risk.I was informed that i should get the numberplate and they would look into it to which i pointed out that it was not my job after been blinded by the extra bright 1 working headlight to turn my car around and start a persuit it was theres to do checks on vehicles they hand taxi licences to.

it may seem like a small gripe but if you were in a taxi and its one working headlight dazzled a driver and it ended up in a head on collision that would be your night out ended pretty sharply.

i know ordianry civilian cars have the same neglect and theres not enough been done about this either but taxis are resposible for transporting the public including school runs for children

i have also witnessed taxis transporting children jump the red lights resulting in near misses at the dill hall lane lights and again theres no measures in place to punish them for it because the police cant use the footage on cameras there to prosecute
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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