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Old 28-03-2011, 15:32   #5
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Re: the REAL good news (takeover etc)

cashy, i had to log on just to congratulate you on that post !! my views entirely. How a single paper can consistently get so much wrong is a wonder to behold ! I wish them well and hope they continue to do well. In my neck of the woods Aldershot is the local team, and the local paper goes out of its way to be supportive and energetically positive. the balance between writing "news", whilst maintaining high journalistic standards, but also acknowledging your local roots is not actually very difficult. Except in some papers.
Well, we live and we learn, and lets hope that the good old LET will get it right one day.

Hope you are well ? the key is the game on Weds. All else is background noise. I am on Radio Lancs this evening. take care
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