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Old 21-05-2011, 14:03   #64
Junior Member+

Re: Tonight's Officials

Originally Posted by SamF View Post
"You weren't there man, you weren't there"

Anyone who saw the game with their own eyes knows the ref was wearing yellow. I've played football with a ref in his late 70's early 80's, he couldn't hear a thing and never left the centre circle because he couldn't run but at least he was fair, he wasn't good but he was fair, he barely made a correct decision all game but at least it was the same for both teams. Today if Charles did it - play on, if Gornell did it - foul. The ref today could have knocked all the time wasting on the head with a yellow card in the first 15 mins, he didn't. You can't blame Stevenage, bet they couldn't believe their luck, Jacobson's challenge in this game was not a red in a million years, given the leniency of the ref on challenges of the same ilk by Stevenage players. If the ref had called up every push, trip, elbow then yes, it was a red, but if he was to be consistent Stevenage would have been down to 8 by half time.
Quote from the Laws of the Game:

“Using excessive force” means that the player has far exceeded the necessary
use of force and is in danger of injuring his opponent.
• A player who uses excessive force must be sent off
Can you honestly say that Jacobson didn't use excessive force?
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