Thread: 7 Released
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Old 23-05-2011, 18:59   #42
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Re: 7 Released

Originally Posted by katei77 View Post
how big is our clubs income?

income has to match out goings

our income does not match the out goings a couple of P-P games and we are struggling to pay the bills

my view wasnt that it was all down money but more to do with not fitting in with coleys plans as i said i wish all the lads luck where ever they end up
Why not leave the finances to the club? and just leave yourself to supporting the team on the field.

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
Why is it down to the chairman ? Pretty sure he said while he is prepared to support the club where necessary it has to survive on it merit.
But her also said he was looking at people to invest in the club! We obviously need investment with businesses sponsering etc and so its down to the chairman to sort this out. For e.g the stadium he may be sorting out for the club

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