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Old 14-06-2011, 18:02   #29
Resting in Peace
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Re: Terry Pratchett: Choosing To Die

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
We are slightly different.

Though like you, I'll fight.

Life's precious.

'If' the quality of that life, for me, is unbearble, unable to speak, unable to walk, no independence, then I'm off over
Th' Alps.

I'll say goodbye to Accy Web, from my room with a view.

The last post.

I'll probably be able to hear the cheers from some in Switzerland.

As you say we are slightly different G, but in many ways health-wise we are very much alike. As time goes on I am beginning to feel more depressed , only last week I was diagnosed with severe arthritis in my neck, which on top of everything else is giving me some real problems. Believe me if I was ever in that mind to throw my hand in I wouldn't need to fly of on holiday to say hello the willy tell and his merry bunch, I've enough materials at home, that will do the trick. But I'm 65 in about 5 weeks my daughter is getting wed again in august and my other daughter and grand kids fly in from china in a fortnight and of course I see Joan every weekend and I live in hope that next season the Mancs won't win a thing Rovers will win a cup ( I know wishful thinking) Stanley will gain automatic promotion and Burnley get Relegated so there is so much to look forward to, even just writing this post has put all though of being depressed right out of my mind
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