Originally Posted by heth
Just a question about washing machines and how do you go about cleaning them.
Our clothes are coming out clean but when the towels are getting wet after baths or even washing hands there seems to be a weird smell on them, like a dirty water smell if that makes sense.
Our clothes seem ok but I am just wondering whether our washer needs a "clean"?
I have put it on a empty wash to try and clear the pipes but it hasnt seemed to work.
I havent changed our washing powder or conditioner recently so cant be this.
When the washer is finished the conditioner compartment has been flushed through but it seems to be leaving water in there.
Any Suggestions?
Thank You.
I was getting that problem heth and eventually it broke down on me, when the guy came to repair it he said the smell was down to the outlet getting blocked, might be an idea to check it.