Originally Posted by Mancie
I think we all know what this thread has turned into...anyone who dares to post links that highlight the reality of what is happening in this country are soon shot down and ridiculed, no matter if the content is relevant to what even an idiot must know are bad for this country.
The NHS is again under pressure from this government and lives are lost because of cuts they told us would not happen.. the massive cuts in the police that even an idiot knows means higher crime.
Government 'planning to water down NHS reforms' - Channel 4 News
What tommy rot Mancie. It is nothing at all like that.
But that is how you want to see it....and so that is how it must be...for you!
You think that posting Headline links from newspapers without any discussion about what they mean to the poster is valid?
It is a Discussion Forum.......most of us, if we post a link to a newspaper article, will post what that means on a personal level.
I don't believe that Cmon reads any of the stuff he posts as links. If he did he would have a better command of how to post a clearly defined point of view