Re: Doug & Sandra Fan Club
>>Can Doug & Sandra fly like Superman? Do they have super-strength, X-ray vision, etc? Can they leap tall buildings at a single bound?<<
Errrm, weeeeell, to be honest, no, not exactly. But they are good at liaising and they are pretty hot at attending council meetings and drawing allowances and according to Peter "I'm worth £16,000 a year" Britcliffe, they are worth it too and we are really lucky to have them.
I would just like to add that I would be deeply honoured to assume the mantle of Chairman of the Doug and Sandra Hayes Fan Club. I would like to thank Tealeaf for his nomination. I think our Crime Czar's need all the support we as a community can offer them. To this end I am proposing a whip-round to buy them each a pair of surgical support stockings and a set of "Go-faster" stripes to attach to their Zimmer frames.
Anything left over, will be donated to the " Community Wardens unemployment fund".
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
Last edited by Acrylic-bob; 26-10-2004 at 19:12.