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Old 25-08-2011, 23:45   #16
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Re: CNN caught out telling porkies

Al Jazeera has been hoaxing too

Metro Gael: From the makers of "Gaddafi is killing his own people" Doha studio presents" The Libyan Revolution"
In fact, the Al Jazeera pictures from Green Square were an elaborate and criminal hoax. The report had been prefabricated in a studio in Doha Qatar . This information had been passed onto Libyan intelligence and the Libyan people had already been warned about the qatari psyops a couple of days previously on Rayysse state television.
The Al Jazeera hoax was intended to create the impression that Tripoli had fallen so as:
(1) to break the Libyan resistance by creating panic and chaos in the Libyan captial.
(2) to provide cover for the massacres of civilians that would occur in the days following the declaration of rebel victory.

It looks as though much of what has been reported about this war has been engineered to justify it.

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