Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I know that Karma means nothing......absolutely nothing. But, I hate to get unsigned Karma...it doesn't matter if it is red or green. I try to thank people for giving Karma...and unsigned stuff means the I can't thank them.
I don't give unsigned.......and I rarely give the red stuff......and certainly not because someone has a different point of view to mine. I have given it for an unreadable post and for a post that was rude(discourteous).
That is your choice, I choose not to sign it I don't want thanks or Hate mail.
Nothing worse than giving some green, the person I gave it to then thinks I must return it, then I think, Ooh, more green, must give karma out so I can give my friend green.
I prefere to give the colour a person deserves when they deserve it, without gathering a list of friends (upset or otherwise) going hell for leather tit for tat.
Let's face it, I can hardly be accused of hiding behind karma, I usually give folk an idea what I think and most of the time they reciprocate.
So who needs to sign it? Only wimps.