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Old 03-10-2011, 14:15   #3

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Re: What Happens When You Change ISP?

I have moved your posts to a new thread instead of digging up an old one on a similar subject.

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
Today I had connection problems again so did the on/off procedure again without result - concluded I need a new box.
I think I has worked out what your problem is.
To reset your box you have to switch if off then on, switching it on/off as you did will leave it switched off so it cant work

If Orange want to send you a new box and they have been good for 10 years why change provider, let them send you a new box and have nothing changed.
Do you use an orange email address because that will change.

I just looked at your details - do you still use that old email address you have registered to the site, I did not know they would still work? I am guessing they became Orange which is why they still work.

On a personal note I prefer using Windows Live email or Google gmail myself, that way if you do change ISP you keep the same email address, there are other benefits as well.
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Last edited by Neil; 03-10-2011 at 14:21.
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