Thread: The Tories
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Old 24-11-2011, 10:22   #718
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
cutting spending to save money? What do you do with your family budget when you are short of cash...........?
Do you go to a loan shark to help you through the tough times?
Do you sell some of your assets?
Do you spend less?
How exactly would you manage the financial crisis?

Whichever political party you support, it is plain that there have to be some very tough decisions.
Not by just the UK. The whole global economy is in peril.....some of it influenced by toxic loan situation which rocked the US economy and the current Eurozone situation is creating further external problems.

My comment on C'mon still is lazy posting and does him no favours.
If he understands the current situation then he could give us his ideas.......but that appears to be just too hard for him.
The bottom line is Margaret C'mon and his ilk can't grasp the idea that their beloved Labour Party ran this country into the ground, what was the note left by Liam whatshisface, sorry there's no money left we've spent it all, its indicative really that when Labour knew they were going to be kicked out of office they began a scorched earth policy, just to heap more pressure on the incoming government, which is par for the course, Labour have never in their history successfully run the economy of this country, they have always left a dogs breakfast behind them for others to sort out
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