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Old 27-11-2011, 12:59   #1
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Best ever Xmas present....

What was the best, worst and most disappointing Xmas present you have ever received?
For me: BEST were 2 presents from my sons when they were very young, a vintage Vicorian-style Father Xmas candle which I got when Ricky (my eldest) was 6 -still get it out every year but have never lit it as it's too beautiful to melt away. Then at he same age Eddy (my youngest) bought me a lovely xmas wreath which i put on the door every year.

WORST: a pair of Toe-socks which my God-father gave me when i was 15 -horrendous and impossible to wear.

MOST DISAPOINTING: When i was 9 I desperately wanted the new Petite Type-writer. On Xmas day, when i opened my present, mum had bought one of those big black 1950's finger-breaking jobs second-hand (something like the one Jessica Fletcher uses in "Murder she Wrote"!) it did have a double reel though -red and black!

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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