Re: Best ever Xmas present....
I suppose we should be thankful to get any gift.
I am sure we have had a thread on this before.........never mind.
One of my best presents was from my daughter. I was(when younger) very much into Aerobics and exercise.......She bought me a Flash Dance Sweat shirt and sweat pants in grey with 'Flash' embroidered on the top in red.(it must've been the 80's....when Flash Dance was popular)
I loved it. It was comfortable. I wore it to go to my exercise class, to go swimming. I wore it to do my exercises at home......and was sad when it practically fell to bits from all the wear it got.
Himself bought me my least loved present. I has seen an advert for a little hand held Dirt Devil cleaner....I must have remarked that it would be ideal for doing the stairs.
I should've kept my gob shut, because that is what he bought me....and he wondered why I wanted to give it back to him as a suppository!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)