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Old 27-11-2011, 18:06   #8
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Re: Best ever Xmas present....

Originally Posted by mobertol View Post
Oh dear, not again -I had no idea....
Don't worry it's an annual tradition.

Like stuffing.

You've just stuffed us a little early this year, that's all.

Let's expand it.

What's the best present you've bought for someone else?

My mum was poor as a church mouse growing up, but had one much loved secondhand doll. As an older teenager she gave it to a young relative, who broke, then lost it.

About ten years ago I saw the exact same doll, that I recognised from seeing photographs of, at a fair in Chelsea Town Hall. Life sized baby doll, made from something like bakelite, eyes that opened, and a 'Mama' mechanism when you winded her. The poor mite was naked, so I bought some passably period clothes from a baby linen stall in Tooting market.

I was too embarrassed, to say I was buying clothes for a doll, when they asked me what size the baby was, so I said it was for a friend, whose baby turned out to be 'premature sized', apparently.

Mum cried when she opened it on Christmas morning, and couldn't believe I'd found the same doll, she'd loved as a child.

That made me happy.

She's now called Chelsea. The original one was named Sal.

Chelsea sounded a bit better than Baby Tootin'.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

Last edited by garinda; 27-11-2011 at 18:10.
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