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Old 06-12-2011, 23:13   #38
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Benefits for the poor are spent on drugs and gambling

Originally Posted by mobertol View Post
I still am a firm believer in a welfare state and am proud to say I come from the country where it originated and is maintained. What would be a serious alternative, the workhouse?
Undoubtedly abuse of the system and the fact that it has had to be extended to include members of the EU etc have weakened what was a fine and pioneering system in it's day, something to be proud of as a nation. Do we want to end up with a private health insurance system as they have for example in the USA?

Abuse has come about mainly becasue of a laxity in the system which means that for many it's actually more lucrative NOT to work and instead to claim benefits :
Originally Posted by garinda

The jobs some people are no longer prepared to do, are now being done by eastern Europeans. Who can work here, thanks to the E.U.'s open borders policy.

State benefits should be there for people, who through no fault of their own, need them. They should not be an option, a choice. Which for some, it was. Long term we can't afford that option as a society.

What the second paragraph above this fails to say though is the fact some people who are prepared to do these jobs n have done fer a good few years,were turned away from certain local firms as they had no vacancies cos they "WERE" given to Eastern Europeans, i have a nephew as a case in point, Sept- Xmas every year was the only employment he could gain, he loved doing it,cos he felt valued, last couple of years hes now been worthless in his eyes.
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