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Old 06-12-2011, 23:26   #41
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Benefits for the poor are spent on drugs and gambling

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
What the second paragraph above this fails to say though is the fact some people who are prepared to do these jobs n have done fer a good few years,were turned away from certain local firms as they had no vacancies cos they "WERE" given to Eastern Europeans, i have a nephew as a case in point, Sept- Xmas every year was the only employment he could gain, he loved doing it,cos he felt valued, last couple of years hes now been worthless in his eyes.
That fact the media n government omit to mention some want these jobs but are now refused, probably cos it don't suit their argument,that people dont want em, n many listen to this Bull n take it in,some people are as thick as two short planks in my view.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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