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Old 22-12-2011, 23:39   #1606
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Re: Accywebbers Daily Trivia quiz Comp!!!

Originally Posted by mobertol View Post
Have copied it all down in my new note-book (not my ACER!).

Being an old-fashioned sort of girl I find I memorise things better when I write them by hand. Have divided it into categories: Gossip, Soaps, Girl/Boy bands, Politics, Media, TV commedies, Slang know how much I like to make lists.

I am using my 37yr old Waterman cartridge pen with Royal blue ink which has never let me down in exams.

Blooper and Chav are my first slang entries...

Just to give back a little -Borde is a spanish word with many different meanings among them: Edgy, Illegitimate and Border. In Italian the word is Bordo -it doesn't take a massive leap of the imagination to get to Bordello which somehow seems appropriate for Pamella

What is Channel 4 by the way?
Come, come.

You know what Channel 4 is.

You're pulling my leg.

You were studying in Liverpool when Brookside was first broadcast on it.

Weren't ya Queen?

Today's titbit.

About the time you left Britain Neighbours was an Australian soap, broadcast before the BBC 1 evening news, in a traditional children's slot.

Two actors in it, Kylie Minogue, and Jason Donovan, went on to have great chart sucesss as pop singers, in the late eighties.

In 1992 Jason sued The Face, a trend magazine, who said he was secretly gay. He won the case, as he isn't gay, but his career never really recovered after this, for many years. Unilke Ms. Minogue, who still has a successful career, as a singer.

Jason Donovan came third in this year's Strictly Come Dancing final.

My friend, Julien Macdonald has made most of Kylie Minogue's tour costumes, as well as some other memorable outfits.

(Probably wont be asked in a quiz. I once said Kylie was as small as a little doll, at one of Julien's parties, and then tapped her a little too hard...and she fell off the sofa.)

(Photo of Julien and Kylie, in a dress he designed, which was also famously worn by Victoria Beckham - Spice Girl and head WAG, Naomi Campbell - Black British supermodel, bad rep, but I got on with her, and Joely Richardson - actress daughter of Vanessa Redgrave, and film director Tony Richardson.)
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Last edited by garinda; 22-12-2011 at 23:41.
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