Originally Posted by steve2qec
If you don't watch it you guys are gonna be mistaken for fantasy role-playing nerds!!
Must admit I've been a huge LOTR fan since I was about 12. My fave character was always Boromir (think it was cos of his heroic death)
Hate Harry Potter!!....But love Narnia!
Dave, your magical powers have helped you again....
Never tried those role playing Dungeons and Dragons games -my sons were fans once over.
LOTR is quite hard-going as a read -gets bogged down at times but is a truly epic saga of heroism. Had a dog called Bilbo 20 yrs ago!
Seems we agree about Boromir, Steve - he knows his own limitations and is a truly heroic figure for this reason -most human and fallible.
Would probably have tried to cheat at the Trivia quiz but then would have bowed out honourably!

TLTWATW (1st in the Narnia series!)was a magical read as a child and still holds it's own now - have a thing about Turkish Delight because of it. Would be the White Witch in this case