Thread: Cruising
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Old 15-01-2012, 08:09   #1
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The Costa Concordia tragedy is a reminder of the dangers of the sea. Over recent years, bigger and more luxurious ships have been built to cater for the desire of people to experience a life on the ocean wave, and its staggering to think that the Costa Concordia had over 4,000 passengers on board.

Personally, the thought of going on a cruise fills me with horror. Confined in an enclosed space for days on end with thousands of other people.....being told where and when you are going to put unto port...... queuing for hours to get ashore as all 4,000 people want to go ashore at the same time........ having your bags searched on re-embarking so that any illicit booze you bought ashore can be confiscated to make you pay inflated on board prices for drinks........

And the so-called highlight of the cruise, dining at the Captain's Table. As someone once said, "I paid a fortune for this cruise, and I'm expected to eat with the bloomin' crew!"

I think I'll stick to terra firma!

Last edited by gynn; 15-01-2012 at 08:11.
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