Thread: Susie's back!
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Old 25-01-2012, 11:09   #1
Resting In Peace
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Susie's back!

Just wanted to let the good folk of Accyweb know that their favourite sunflower has returned. Thanks to all for PMs and good wishes.

My sudden departure on 10 Jan as posted on the quiz thread was occasioned by a call from my GP that afternoon with the result of a blood test done the previous day. Turns out I was so anaemic my haemoglobin count was less than half normal and I had to go straight to Royal Lancaster Infirmary, do not pass go. Anyway after four pints of the red stuff overnight that was sorted. Then more tests and scans for a week.

Diagnosis, rectal carcinoma - a real pain in the bum, you might say. Prognosis, good, it hasn't spread. Treatment, colostomy to isolate the rectum, I had this done Thursday, now at home and recovering well. Shortly, five weeks of daily visits to Preston for radio/chemotherapy to shrink it, then three months observation and recovery and then an op to whip out what's left. A long road to become the woman without an arsehole.

This was my first encounter with a GP since I was at university forty years ago and my first ever stay in hospital. Everyone at RLI could not have been nicer, kinder or more reassuring - and the food wasn't bad either! Had some fun with the other women in the ward which helps to keep everyone going.

I hope no one minds me sharing this in the forum but I wanted to tell everyone what was going on. I may disappear again from time to time and now you will know why. Once again, thanks for your concern, it is very much appreciated. And watch out you quizzers!

Last edited by Neil; 25-01-2012 at 13:01. Reason: *'s
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