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Old 07-02-2012, 11:08   #1
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A Chronicle of Decline

I will have to stop reading the Daily Telegraph, it is not good for my blood pressure.

I had a look at the UK News for today and to be honest a quick scan of the headlines damn near left me spitting blood.

Here, in no particular order, are some of them.

A Muslim Loony who is a threat to our national security must be freed on bail.

Civil servants are to be sent to school to learn how to spend public money.

Mp's should get taxpayer funded iPads.

British Railways need 30 years of investment to match Europe.

BAA: Heathrow can't cope with snow.

Head Teachers lacking leadership.

NHS facing £15.7billion cost for rising number of negligence claims.

NHS spends £23 million per year on translators.

Paratrooper faces charges for punching taliban insurgent.

Lesbian parents 'betrayed' by gay father demanding to see his son.

I'm not a right wing reactionary. In fact I have no political alliegence at all.
But, please, There is something seriously and sadly wrong with a country that can provoke these sorts of headlines on a daily basis - isn't there?
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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