Thread: Todmorden Curve
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Old 22-03-2012, 11:46   #1
keep the faith
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Todmorden Curve

Several weeks ago, it was reported in the local (ish) weekly newspaper that the proposed rail link between Accrington and Manchester otherwise known as "The Todmorden Curve" had been given the green light. I for one was highly delighted at this news, as it would mean a more comfortable, direct and hassle free way of getting to the city for everyone including commuters, shoppers and anyone wishing to go into Manchester for a spot of socialising.

This week it came to my attention via a very reliable source, that the project has now been cancelled after a recent feasibility study.

I contacted the local (ish) weekly newspaper to ask if they had any knowledge of this. I must admit I was shocked by their attitude to me asking them this question. The reporter that I spoke to couldn't have been more obnoxious if he'd have tried. He didn't have any knowledge of the situation, and neither was he prepared to go off my "say so"

I suggested he made some enquiries and if in fact my information turns out to be correct, then they owe it to the readers of the local (ish) weekly newspaper, to update the story.

Is that too much to ask? If that's the way people are spoken to when they contact this newspaper with a news item, then I have no intention of ever contacting them again.
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