Originally Posted by cmonstanley
we never had it so good under labour
Originally Posted by garinda
If, after living through three consecutive Labour governments, you're still under the illusion that 'new' Labour give a flying fig about the ordinary folks in this country, you're even dafter than you come across in these threads.
Oh dear.
As stated earlier, you've just proved yourself, once again, as being daft in the head.
Carry on.
Keep posting your stupidly one-sided propoganda.
Being so obviously daft, I suppose you're just too dim to realise it has just the opposite effect on here, to what you'd like.
Constantly being preached at, is a major turn-off, for the vast majority of folks on here.
When I can be bothered, I'll just carry on peeing on your chips.
Posting counteractive examples, by those you oppose, to illustrate just how blind, and foolish you are.