Originally Posted by cmonstanley
and heres some more proof The same Lord Patten is a European Advisory Board member for a company called Bridgepoint. Social Investigations have already investigated this company here. The gist is that the company has over £1.1 billion invested in private healthcare.
The same Lord Patten is European Adviser to Hutchison Whampoa Ltd, whose subsidiary, Hutchison China Meditech, is a fast-growing Chinese healthcare company. In a grim anticipation of the NHS bill's success, an article from the Daily Mail in 2011 advised investors: “Overall, Chi-Med is loss-making, reflecting heavy investment, but it should move into profit next year and the long-term outlook is very healthy.”
So we have two very senior BBC board members, both of whom have huge links with private healthcare. Could this be the reason for the under-reporting? It seems likely, but instinct tells me there might be even more to the story than this. cmon tories tell me im wrong now we know why this bill was forced through.
Nice bit of cut and paste as usual....but no attribution.
How can I tell....
all but the last sentence has capital letters where they are supposed to be and punctuation.
I'm sure if you looked hard enough you could find similar stories about the last Labour government......and the current shadow cabinet doesn't shine much as opposition.