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Old 02-04-2012, 19:00   #1265
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
I believe that the legalization ... or, at least the decriminalization ... of all drugs that are now illegal will have an "upside" which will far outweigh the "downside". Many of those in power in countries such as Mexico and Columbia have put forward this position. Also, if memory serves me right, in Switzerland several years ago. "The War on Drugs" ... an idea that comes, not surprizingly, out of the USA, has failed. The yanks are big on having "wars" on things: The War on Terror is a good example. All these wars are unwinnable. But whatever, big decisions on this issue will be made at the White House today, whatever anyone else thinks. And I have no doubt that this war will continue its futile course ... like Afghanistan, like Iraq, and like the one in Viet Nam decades ago.

Harper, Obama, Calderon meet before Summit of Americas - Politics - CBC News
I agree with you Eric! You know why Politicians have "wars on things" it's because it suits the way they work, in that they are about stirring up fear in people and then they "pretend" to come up with the solution. For example "WE WILL GET TOUGH ON DRUGS!" "WE WILL GET TOUGH ON CRIME!" It's to get votes. In London the mayorial elections are building up and they are now all talking about "We will have more POLICE in SCHOOLS!" and so on!
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