Re: US Presidential Election
Originally Posted by garinda
You can't agree the President's election has inspired a whole generation of black youth, who now believe that there's no racial barrier to their ambitions, and yet disagree that this small step forward isn't a positive move, in regards to race relations.
Well I suppose you can, if you really are a bit dim.
In which case wasting time, constantly explaining the same, simple point, endlessly, becomes rather pointless.
To put it simply.
It's a small, but good thing.
Like when they stopped people paying a shiiling, to go in and stare at people like you, locked away in Bedlam.
Show us some evidence then to back up your claims that " he has improved " race relations in the states and around the world .. you have linked 1 article which proves nothing
Dont take all day eh! .. I want to see evidence of your claims 
The 1689 Bill of Rights, which remains the law of the United Kingdom to this day and which incorporates the following oath: ‘I do declare that no foreign prince, person, prelate, state or potentate hath or ought to have any jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence or authority within this realm’