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Old 08-05-2012, 17:23   #10
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Re: Planet Earth Live

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Yes, I did know and so did everyone else, after all just like you, we've seen it all before.
That doesn't mean it won't be interesting watching it from a different angle and with state of the art equipment.

I'll be watching it.
You say "I did know and so did everyone else!" For a start they probably didn't know! You are a big head and you have also made such useless comments at other threads namely the "George Orwell" related post I made! when you started saying I didn't know what I was talking about with no other information - basically just as a wind up - you then refuse to make any further decent posts on the subject, so you are basically stirring up trouble. So effectively you are a big mouth who likes to critisize other people and think you know it all. Idiot!
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