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Old 09-04-2007, 14:06   #76

Affordable Suites, Maudsley Street, Accrington

Must be this shower of cowboys, they canvass door to door, over priced, low quality suites, with stupid, public insulting gimmics, and "special offers", dont pay their staff, use benefit people, ...........keep well away!

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Accrington Web
Old 09-04-2007, 14:59   #77
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Re: Not good firms to work for

I did one day as a chambermaid at the Dunkenhalgh. What I saw was a revelation. I have never dined there since and now always wash crockery in hotel rooms before use. I never got paid at all!!!!! - so they didnt get their uniform back.

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Old 09-04-2007, 19:15   #78
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Re: Not good firms to work for

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
I did one day as a chambermaid at the Dunkenhalgh. What I saw was a revelation. I have never dined there since and now always wash crockery in hotel rooms before use. I never got paid at all!!!!! - so they didnt get their uniform back.
I worked in the kitchens as a commi chef in 77,they would'nt tell me my rate of pay,insisting the experience would benefit me.I worked split shifts for 2 weeks,having to get back to Bash after work(no transport provided).When i finally got paid it was for the measly wage of 35p an hour.Never went back.
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Old 09-04-2007, 19:28   #79
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Re: Not good firms to work for

I went for a job with MyTravel last year, surfice to say I didn't get it, but in hindsight, I'm quite glad I didn't!!

I worked for Express Gifts at weekend when I was at Sixth Form, that was bad, but I always knew it wasn't for long.

I've also worked for Natwest through university, been to allsorts of branches, I really enjoyed it there too, but the fulltimers weren't keen, it's changed beyond all recognition in the last few years I was told, Sales sales sales, you may have noticed if you have been in recently just to pay money in!!
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Old 10-04-2007, 17:51   #80
Accy Red

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Re: Not good firms to work for

There is a certain large company in Hyndburn that makes 50 British workers redundant because of a lack of work and then when they have gone brought in replacement Polish workers for less money.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 25-04-2007, 23:10   #81
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Re: Not good firms to work for

Originally Posted by niceone View Post
hansons brickyard in huncoat, they have layed 100+ workers off for three weeks without pay!!!!!!!
your full of rubbish it was 75 workers 73 excluding you and your brother me and everyone else were quite happy to be paid 500 by hanson and recieve the dole as well it goes to show ur intelligence leaving a job like this i believe you got a mortgage on the strength of this place but guess what ur selling up already whats wrong cant afford your payments can u
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Old 25-04-2007, 23:14   #82
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Re: Not good firms to work for

Originally Posted by lady loverocket View Post
your full of rubbish it was 75 workers 73 excluding you and your brother me and everyone else were quite happy to be paid 500 by hanson and recieve the dole as well it goes to show ur intelligence leaving a job like this i believe you got a mortgage on the strength of this place but guess what ur selling up already whats wrong cant afford your payments can u
Someones got a chip on their shoulder, welcome to accyweb, you could have introduced yourself first.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 26-04-2007, 19:10   #83
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Re: Not good firms to work for

the place I just left was terrible

reduced my wage by 25% only 7 weeks after they headhunted me by saying that they couldn't justify my wage! Further to that they still expected me to do the hours that I had decided I would do when I opened their trade counter.

they wouldn't let anybody use the kettle as they hadn't been trained to do so and they installed a vending machine that they get a cut of.

They installed security cameras in my shop area that weren't watching the shop, had no roam facility and never showed me how to operate the playback. But still wanted to know if I knew anything about stock shortages!
Put phones in that were linked to the computer so they could instantly check how many calls you had made, received etc and how many to each number.

Made little or no effort to push the place (one advert in 8 months) and then wanted to know why the place was not doing as well as expected.
In 8 months as head of that department I was never invited to any of the twice weekly 'meetings' they had even though I was frequently on the agenda and every other department was represented.

Never took any notice of any of the ideas that I had

Never informed anybody of any decisions made whether relevant to that person or not. I found out three days after the event that the company had changed name! I only found that out when I happened to be in the admin office when they took an external call

They looked at me strangely when issuing me with my redundancy notice I whooped and hollered
"you can work your notice if you like"
"errm let me think a moment - NO"
"We can offer you a job driving, but it'll mean another 25% decrease"
"errm - NO"
"take as long as you like before you leave"
"open the door now"
email [email protected] for all window cleaning quotes
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Old 26-04-2007, 19:12   #84
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Re: Not good firms to work for

Makes you wonder how some people expect to make a profit in business Macca.
__________________ - T-shirt printing & more
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Old 26-04-2007, 22:08   #85
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Re: Not good firms to work for

Name and shame Macca ???

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 27-04-2007, 06:57   #86
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Re: Not good firms to work for

Peter Barrowcliffe and Gail Bould T/A Tipek Security Services based in Bacup and Bury was a bad company to work for.

They don't pay wages, i'm still waiting for the £200 of the court order they owe me. The interest is looking very nice though as it's been over 12 months so i'll wait for it to become a nicer figure before sending bailiffs in.
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Old 20-09-2010, 09:50   #87
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Re: Not good firms to work for

Originally Posted by pendy View Post
Okay kids, you don't know you're born - try my boss, Raymond Tooth, otherwise known as "Jaws", divorce lawyer to the very rich and preferably famous.
How long have you worked for him? Do you remember me Glory Anne Clibbery? I was a client. He brought the wrong case in the wrong court and was called negligent by three Judges in his handling of a second case. He screamed at me in front of everyone at his Brook Street premises that if I did not sign his version of my statement that was riddled with mistakes he would quit just before the case began when I had paid him many times his original quote. He did not attend any hearing even though he had agreed to in writing. He kept coming on to me and I kept turning him down. He intimated he would reduce my costs if I came across and put me in the waiting room (under the stairs at Brook Street) with another client who he told me he was taking to Antigua for a long weekend and he was going to join the mile high club. He said he was reducing her costs and described her as hard as nails when I told him to be careful because I felt she was under a lot of stress and she'd told me she was a recovering addict. I could write a book about your boss. Maybe we should compare notes and write one together? He must be close to retirement age and I have a big advantage because I have the sanction of four Law Lords to speak publically about my Family Court experience with Mr. Tooth. I would love it if he tried to sue me!
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Old 20-09-2010, 10:24   #88
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Re: Not good firms to work for

Originally Posted by Glory Anne Clibbery View Post
How long have you worked for him? Do you remember me Glory Anne Clibbery? I was a client. He brought the wrong case in the wrong court and was called negligent by three Judges in his handling of a second case. He screamed at me in front of everyone at his Brook Street premises that if I did not sign his version of my statement that was riddled with mistakes he would quit just before the case began when I had paid him many times his original quote. He did not attend any hearing even though he had agreed to in writing. He kept coming on to me and I kept turning him down. He intimated he would reduce my costs if I came across and put me in the waiting room (under the stairs at Brook Street) with another client who he told me he was taking to Antigua for a long weekend and he was going to join the mile high club. He said he was reducing her costs and described her as hard as nails when I told him to be careful because I felt she was under a lot of stress and she'd told me she was a recovering addict. I could write a book about your boss. Maybe we should compare notes and write one together? He must be close to retirement age and I have a big advantage because I have the sanction of four Law Lords to speak publically about my Family Court experience with Mr. Tooth. I would love it if he tried to sue me!
Think your a little of beam here Lass have you seen the date of Pendy's post
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Old 21-09-2010, 16:28   #89
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Re: Not good firms to work for


UKHD on altham ind est.

Below minimum wage and when ever you came in early at their request and tried to take the promised early finish they would start talking about sacking you etc etc.
Used to be known as Aleks, Tadah and Silvermain.
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Old 23-09-2010, 20:16   #90
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Re: Not good firms to work for

Express Gifts is the worst place to work for!
Never work for them. I have worked there for 10 years and get nothing but crap from the staff and the managers treat you like a number.

Just to let you all know.
Between September and December it is the busy times and they hirer alot of temps.
In the last 3 years it has been getting quieter each time and less staff are needed.
But this year they have been employing temps and getting rid of them after only a couple of weeks.
They have catalogs with Studio, Ace Card Gifts and Kleeneze.
I have notice that they have been raising the prices alot with some items and saying that they are on sale.
And I heard approx 40% of the orders are returned.
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