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Old 07-04-2011, 23:00   #106
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post

All I can say is that I'm glad a married a woman who hasn't the slightest inclination to come to the game with me.
mines the same, but yer lucky mines goin out on the lash tomorrow night, so she wont be in on own all night, would been ruddy cheaper to take her to Macclesfield.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 08-04-2011, 03:47   #107
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

Time to enter the fray.

Doing the maths, then assuming you buy next seasons season ticket early you would save £90 on walk on prices at the buy early price of £15. However, what happens if we get promotion and they put the prices up even more? There is this possibility. I should think the biggest moaners on here are those that stand in the Clayton (Sophia Khan terrace) who have to pay £3 walk on on the day increase or £2 if bought in advance and goodness knows what the difference is in season tickets.
I too would like to see the season tickets paid for over a period of up to 5 months as most FL teams do. One thing is that assuming supporters do not default on payments, then there is a steady stream of income into the club over a period of time. I for one would gladly buy a season ticket if that were the case.
I do have sympathy with supporters with the case of the extras, however a certain number of supporters already pay a premium for parking on the car park, Gold Bond sellers I believe if they have sufficient customers (I don't know the figure) they get a free season ticket!
However, I do hope the one extra to disappear between now and next season is the one for the lounge, that is a BIG own goal, or is this a plan to keep away supporters out?
Lets leave the running of the club to the men in the know e.g. Mr Khan, Rob Heys etc etc. One would hope they know what they are doing.

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
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Old 08-04-2011, 05:36   #108
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

Anybody who reads through virtually every post on this subject can be in no doubt what the vast majority think on here of yesterday's announcements and this is only a layer of the onion in terms of Stanley support that attends matches.
Working Towards Change

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Old 08-04-2011, 06:36   #109
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

Originally Posted by Outback Ozzy View Post
Lets leave the running of the club to the men in the know e.g. Mr Khan, Rob Heys etc etc. One would hope they know what they are doing.
Fairly sure at the Cannon st meeting Ilyas said he is no expert on running a football club, he's going to have to blag it now
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Old 08-04-2011, 07:37   #110
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

Originally Posted by Pendle Red View Post
Anybody who reads through virtually every post on this subject can be in no doubt what the vast majority think on here of yesterday's announcements and this is only a layer of the onion in terms of Stanley support that attends matches.
Did you leave your ST at home on Tuesday like me, and pay at the gate, Google Page Ranking? I feel a bit foolish now, although I WILL be renewing, happily. Beg. borrow or steal the money for a ST and help the club on the way to a better future. OK, the facilities are poor compared with the competition but they can't begin to compare with the magic of supporting the Reds.
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Old 08-04-2011, 09:37   #111
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

Originally Posted by expatriate View Post
I do hope that as many of you as possible will be thinking of the season ticket as an investment in our collective future.
I fully understand all the concerns that have been expressed, but in that sentence Ilyas has summed up my feelings perfectly. Although I can get to only a handful of home games, I'll still be buying my season ticket.
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Old 08-04-2011, 11:26   #112
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

The last few posts have given me some faith back. We need all the support we can get and as much money as that support can afford. It is my home town team and I give gladly and willingly what I can. Remember the lads on the pitch on Tuesday night and the staff in and around the ground were still waiting to get their late wages. Yet they all turned up served us with a smile on their faces and the 18 members of the squad gave 110% when asked to do so. I doubt there has been a more heroic bunch of people in football over the past couple of seasons. Paying a little more here and there means people like these receive the rewards they deserve
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Old 08-04-2011, 11:32   #113
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

all well n good, but slagging the people they are trying to attract back is not the brightest move yeh ever made.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 08-04-2011, 11:53   #114
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

Originally Posted by Redraine View Post
Did you leave your ST at home on Tuesday like me, and pay at the gate, Google Page Ranking? I feel a bit foolish now, although I WILL be renewing, happily. Beg. borrow or steal the money for a ST and help the club on the way to a better future. OK, the facilities are poor compared with the competition but they can't begin to compare with the magic of supporting the Reds.
I did RR and between the extras who came with us we put another six on the gate and they all enjoyed it.

I understand all about the better future etc. but I just think this is a step too far to soon when it's all about getting footfall to the ground and building back up.

I have long advocated backing season ticket campaigns but when it has the potential to price people out of coming to games it seriously worries me.
Working Towards Change

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Old 08-04-2011, 12:03   #115
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

Originally Posted by Minister Onymfo View Post
The last few posts have given me some faith back. We need all the support we can get and as much money as that support can afford. It is my home town team and I give gladly and willingly what I can. Remember the lads on the pitch on Tuesday night and the staff in and around the ground were still waiting to get their late wages. Yet they all turned up served us with a smile on their faces and the 18 members of the squad gave 110% when asked to do so. I doubt there has been a more heroic bunch of people in football over the past couple of seasons. Paying a little more here and there means people like these receive the rewards they deserve
A very grand speech there, Minister. I would personally agree with much of what you say, but, then again, you're preaching to the converted on here. Unfortunately, your sentiments won't mean a jot to the Accrington public at large. They will be attracted by entertaining football with reasonable facilities at an affordable price...nothing more, nothing less.
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Old 08-04-2011, 12:07   #116
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

Originally Posted by Minister Onymfo View Post
and I give gladly and willingly what I can.

they're not a charity you know
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Old 08-04-2011, 12:28   #117
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
Now should have been the time where we say to the town thanks for everything (not that many people did) you have done for us over the years during the bi-annual plea for money, thanks for putting up with us staining the name of the town through betting scandals and goodness knows what else, thanks for putting up with taking the mick with bodged planning permissions and ignoring the Freedom of the Borough - here you are have something back. We should be giving them the opportunity to watch football at an affordable price, we should be pledging to have a series of charity events for local causes, we should be looking at building a number of bridges through whatever avenues we can. It seems to me that this is pushing us further away from the community vision and further towards us being marooned as an expensive day out that can only be done once in a while.
Nail on the head. Ilyas, the club should employ this guy as an adviser!
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Old 08-04-2011, 13:37   #118
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

afternoon all. sorry i went to bed last evening prior to seeing a couple of the questions that are currently on p6. I will certainly try to find out a bit more about the reasons behind the move on the club lounge - but I truly do think that Rob and his team should be allowed to manage the situation. I believe that they will take feedback from all quarters, and when they make mistakes (as we all do) they will try to rectify.

Macca, your posts are very clear (and eloquent). would you be prepared and happy to go along to the club and chat to Rob and explain your views ? I am hoping we can all be collaborative here, and I must admit that your posting made me think again. I dont think that the pricing will change now, but some of your other comments are well worth thinking through.

thank you everyone, and if i have missed a direct question, please PM me or comment now. i am logged in for an hour or so.

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Old 08-04-2011, 14:01   #119
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

Originally Posted by expatriate View Post
Macca, your posts are very clear (and eloquent). would you be prepared and happy to go along to the club and chat to Rob and explain your views ?
Hope he takes you up on the offer, Ilyas. I think he could make a real contribution to "selling" the club to the people of the area and the world at large.

Sponsorship by Stanley Tools for instance...cracking idea, especially as football themes since to figure quite a lot in their promotional operations
Stanley UK - Stanley Is Top Of The League

Their marketing director is called David Osborne. Somebody get on the case now!
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Old 08-04-2011, 14:04   #120
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

that is two really cracking ideas. the milk and the stanley tools. it just goes to show that the most obvious things sometimes need a prod. Thank you WYnonie for the name of the marketing director. we will surely follow up.

there is such a lovely feeling of goodwill right now that I hope we can make the most of it.

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