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Old 07-01-2013, 22:26   #46
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Re: Daggers match thread

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
If he went training with them he won't have even seen Barrow
That's true, it was in Rochdale.
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Old 07-01-2013, 22:48   #47
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Re: Daggers match thread

Originally Posted by Willie Miller View Post
Booing is for Ewood, we are better than that.... Some of the darkest days following asfc have always seen passion from the terrace & a gallows humour second to none. Keep the faith comrades....
It is good to hear from you Jase. You are absolutely right about the need for the passion from the terraces, especially when we have been going through the trough! Looking forward to seeing and hearing you back on the Clayton end next season. Your STANLEY needs you!

Come on real Stanley fans/Ultras. Let's make the next home match, Jan 19th v AFC Wimbledon, a sea of colour and noise like we did so often up to a couple of seasons ago. Tell everybody about the club deal of getting on for only a "Fiver" and £1 for under 12's....... (See fishy site).

Big Crowd...Big Noise....Lots of colour.....100% behind our team!
Come on you REDS!!
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Old 07-01-2013, 23:06   #48
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Re: Daggers match thread

Originally Posted by choirboy View Post
It is good to hear from you Jase. You are absolutely right about the need for the passion from the terraces, especially when we have been going through the trough! Looking forward to seeing and hearing you back on the Clayton end next season. Your STANLEY needs you!

Come on real Stanley fans/Ultras. Let's make the next home match, Jan 19th v AFC Wimbledon, a sea of colour and noise like we did so often up to a couple of seasons ago. Tell everybody about the club deal of getting on for only a "Fiver" and £1 for under 12's....... (See fishy site).

Big Crowd...Big Noise....Lots of colour.....100% behind our team!
Come on you REDS!!
I like this very much!!!!

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Old 08-01-2013, 08:57   #49
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Re: Daggers match thread

Suggest readers to look at the Early Wimbledon match thread to see plans for a BIG PICK ME UP that will get us right behind the team.
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Old 08-01-2013, 09:22   #50
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Re: Daggers match thread

Originally Posted by Larry Lobster View Post
Hi Ian, Going to Scotland has been a complete waste of time. He played only one competative match in the League cup and got on the bench in the SPL just once in December against Dundee. He took the option to have his contract paid up Last month.

Last week he went training with the club of this forums "arch enemy" .....Barrow....He decided not to return, said it was a shambles, I believe they now have a transfer embargo on them anyway.

His agent did speak to Leam at Stanley but it seems he opted for Nicky Hunt. Nothing doing at the moment, just pounding the streets keeping fit.
Does he prefer full back or centre half?(to renew an old partnership with Dean?)
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Old 08-01-2013, 10:21   #51
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Re: Daggers match thread

Jon was a class cb,but got shipped out to fullback ----like dean !!,although at least he didn't end up at left back !!!,similar player to murph,and look how he's progressed.
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Old 08-01-2013, 19:26   #52
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Re: Daggers match thread

I was going to post it on the other thread where there was discussion about levels of support, but I see that it's been strangely closed.

Anyway, it's as relevant here as there, but Morecambe are offering free admission to their game with Dagenham tonight, as they too are suffering from very low attendances. According to Jim Bentley, they might not have a league club for very long if the town doesn't turn out and support them. Now, where have we heard that before?
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Old 08-01-2013, 19:47   #53
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Re: Daggers match thread

Originally Posted by Tin Monkey View Post
I was going to post it on the other thread where there was discussion about levels of support, but I see that it's been strangely closed.

Anyway, it's as relevant here as there, but Morecambe are offering free admission to their game with Dagenham tonight, as they too are suffering from very low attendances. According to Jim Bentley, they might not have a league club for very long if the town doesn't turn out and support them. Now, where have we heard that before?


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Old 09-01-2013, 20:42   #54
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Re: Daggers match thread

We all want the team to do well but there are basic things that Leam is not getting right at the minute in terms of tactics and choice of personnel. Central midfield is very rarely changed and this is one of our major issues in terms of why we are losing so many games. What has Hatfield got to do get a start?

Our passing attacking football which has served us so well has disappeared and the players seem afraid of retaining the ball and trying to link up play with other players. The passing game is our major strength so why do we not play to this strength, the longer we carry on with this tactic the less fans will come on, who would pay to watch poor football especially when we are not winning games. Wilson was totally outclassed in the first half of the Dagenham game and yet there was no change made to that side of defence, Molyneux should be further up the pitch and he is being wasted at left back, he has a great left foot and has the ability to take on defenders and put crosses in so why not play him on the left wing?

The players seemed like they didn't care and there seemed a lack of effort from some of the players against Dagenham, maybe that was the reason the players were booed off. I hope that Leam can get some more new faces in especially for central midfield and I would like someone with managerial experience to be brought in to assist Leam as I think it will do him the world of good. Whether this is realistic or not I don't know but it may be a worthwhile investment if it helps to keep us up.

The run that we are on has echoes of Macclesfield last season when they went on a very bad run and ultimately sent them down to the Conference. We have 3 big games coming up and really need to get some points from them, otherwise I fear we may end up going down.

I would like to see us switch formation to see if that can improve performances, we could play a midfield diamond or even 4-3-3.

One line-up could be:


Hunt, Winnard, Liddle, Wilson

Miller, Murphy, Hatfield

Boco, Beattie, Molyneux

Or as a 4-4-2


Hunt, Winnard, Liddle, Wilson

Lindfield, Murphy, Miller, Molyneux

Boco, Beattie
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Old 09-01-2013, 21:05   #55
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Re: Daggers match thread

Murphy was a liability until he started to play centre half, please do not push him anywhere else!
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Old 09-01-2013, 21:09   #56
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Re: Daggers match thread

I was just suggesting one way of lining up, my main worry is the central midfield and it needs changing.
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Old 09-01-2013, 21:58   #57
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Re: Daggers match thread

Must admit I would like to see Murph given a go in a holding midfield roll,which he did in his younger days.A 4 - 1 - 4 - 1 system or even 4 - 3 - 3.
Gives a extra defensive minded player,who also can score ( proccy ??) .
Think he wasn't ready for the fullback role early in his career,and was sometimes isolated,but playing more central,this is not an issue,plus he's filled out a little and is more imposing.
Worth a punt IMHO,nice on the ball too
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Old 09-01-2013, 22:48   #58
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Re: Daggers match thread

Are you sure!?!? Murphy in midfield!?!?

One of the reasons we struggle is Murphy's distribution, you really want him to get on the ball more?

The players are the same players that did ok earlier in the season, we need the manager to stop picking people that arent good enough and we need to get back to playing football rather than humping it up to Beattie
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Old 10-01-2013, 13:19   #59
Resting in Peace

Re: Daggers match thread

Shocking defending for the Daggers' goals and we were very lucky not to concede for their penalty shout. Click on the football league link.

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Old 10-01-2013, 14:32   #60
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Re: Daggers match thread

we dont have time to experiement ! Macc are a perfect example of were the clubs going...
Get rid of Joyce and Linfield from the line up and we have a start of winning games.

My line up for Aldershot would be:


Hunt Toto Winnard Wilson

Hatfield Miller Molly

Boco Beattie Carver

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