Lowiy started the bus when all others refused.. In the past we have had minibuses.. some that have gone down in history

not mine...
The team bus used to take some fans
When it became clear we needed a coach I was at the supporters club meeting when they where officially asked to start running one.. the upshot was that they wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.. Somehting about it being tried in the past and uworkable...(pre henry mortons involvement with the supp club so dont have a go at him)
I gave it serious thought but TBH after running a minbus to a game I wouldn't touch it either..
The club wouldn't run one.
The only person associated with Accrington Stanley that would take the risk was Loweiy.....
I truly believe that if he hadn't then the ultras wouldn't be running one.. they havent set it up.. Loweiy has.. they have taken over a well run system..... I dont use the coach because I prefer a day out in the car.. But I will use the coach now and then.. have done a couple of times this season and "may" use it again... but it will be rarely and only because I prefer to drive. Now loweiy isnt on the mic all the trip it should be even better : SORRY couldn't resist mate
The upshot is... No one else had it in them to take the risk.
Like I say.. for the record in case anyone didn't know how it started..