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19-04-2006, 21:03
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Placenta anyone??
Originally Posted by Gayle
Wonder what 'Suri' means?
Suri= My parents must be rich and stupid, otherwise they would give me a proper name.

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19-04-2006, 21:04
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Re: Placenta anyone??
Just found out - apparently it means Princess
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19-04-2006, 21:20
Resting In Peace
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Re: Placenta anyone??
I think it's a type of horse drawn wagon as in "Chicks and ducks and geese better scurry, when I take ya out in the suri with the fringe on top". On the other hand I may be wrong.
19-04-2006, 21:30
Resting in Peace
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Re: Placenta anyone??
Any veggies got any comments ?  Bet he didn't do it in the end.
19-04-2006, 21:41
white rabbits
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Re: Placenta anyone??
Isnt it funny what fame does..i bet he would rather have had fish and chips,but that wouldent get any publicity ,,,ermmm
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19-04-2006, 22:40
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Re: Placenta anyone??
Aint seen any pics or vids so I reckon he chickened out. 
20-04-2006, 07:11
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Re: Placenta anyone??
Far be it from anyone to criticise religion, IMO people can believe whatever they want to believe however, you knew there was a however coming along, the news this morning reported that due to scientology 'rules' the baby had to be seperated from it's mother and given to a holy man of scientology (for how long I didn't hear), the baby had to remain unwashed for 24hrs after birth and when it is returned to Katie she cannot feed it milk it must be given barley water.

I enjoy long walks, especially when they're taken by people I don't like.
20-04-2006, 09:03
Filthy / Gorgeous
Re: Placenta anyone??
It is highly unusual for placentae to be taken home and eaten. We never offer that service, if you have been asked if you want your placenta, it is to look at it, not devour it.
If someone asks for their placenta to take home then that is fine, but they must sign a legal document which states that it is their responsibility and they must dispose of it in the correct manner. Many cultures choose to bury their placentae as a fertility offering. The legal document will specify where the placenta can be buried eg, away from waterways etc.
Placentae are very nutritious and there are some interesting recipes on the web. Pate is quite easy to make from placentae and probably tastes no different than any other meat pate.
Before the days of HIV and other blood borne viruses, placentae were always saved and sent to drug companies. We had a big freezer for them on the old delivery suite and they were collected regularly. Hormones would be extracted from them and used to make medicines some componenets were allegedly added to cosmetics. One of the old retired (now deceased) midwives once told me that the membranes from placentae were once used as temporary skin grafts during the war.
A placenta is a remarkable organ and well worth a look if you get chance to see them. Many midwives will offer you a look at your placenta at delivery, if you get the opportunity then take a look at it. It is no different from viewing a good piece of liver in a butcher's shop so there's no need to be queasy about it. It is a multi-functional organ which controlls the baby's respiration, nutrition, hormones, growth, protection from some infections and drugs. It is the only organ which can comfortably perform all of these functions and more. To the trained eye every placenta looks slightly different...... 
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20-04-2006, 16:24
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Re: Placenta anyone??
Originally Posted by Basher
the news this morning reported that due to scientology 'rules' the baby had to be seperated from it's mother and given to a holy man of scientology (for how long I didn't hear),
Ace!  Why didn't I think of following (?) scientology when mine were born. I wonder if the holy man will keep them until the baby is sleeping through the night? .....  Or better still ....... til they're 18! 
20-04-2006, 16:33
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Re: Placenta anyone??
Originally Posted by lettie
It is highly unusual for placentae to be taken home and eaten. We never offer that service, if you have been asked if you want your placenta, it is to look at it, not devour it.
lol! Seriously Lettie they offered me mine to devour with my first born, yes it was probably only in jest, the 2 midwives went through all sorts of recipe ideas I could make with it, it was quite a chuckle really. I also did see my placenta and can't say I found myself overly squeamish, it was more fascinating than anything.
20-04-2006, 17:02
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Re: Placenta anyone??
I found this on skynews.com that may be of interest to people who want to know more about this "religion"
As for eating placenta I'll pass!! 
20-04-2006, 19:05
Beacon of light
Re: Placenta anyone??
Suri....means Rose in persian....but pickpocket in Japanese!
And however nutritious placenta is....it must rank with tripe and elder in the 'taste stakes'.....I don't think I could be tempted to eat it....I still think it smells funny.
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20-04-2006, 19:41
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Re: Placenta anyone??
Tom Cruise in an interview said he was only joking about eating the placenta!
One of my domestic science teachers used to boast about eating her placenta, personally I dont think I'd even like to see it.
21-04-2006, 14:28
Beacon of light
Re: Placenta anyone??
He was probably going to eat it until he saw (and smelt ) it...then he decided it was a JOKE....yeah Bob!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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