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03-10-2009, 22:13
Resting in Peace
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Re: Forced Vaccinations
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
and some schools are brow-beating girls whose parents have declined the vaccination.......frightening them, telling 12 year olds scary things.
Well, cervical cancer is very scary Margaret as you will be aware !
04-10-2009, 11:03
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Re: Forced Vaccinations
Hi All.
Well Margaret one can see the desperation of those who have forced their daughters to take the HPV vaccine, hanging on to any old garbage handed out by big pharma to ensure they remain asleep and trust anything that comes from the mouth of a supposed corporate experts...
The young girl that died did not have any condition that would kill her within two hours of the vaccination, it was the vaccination. And worse another girl collapsed and was rushed into hospital from the same CofE school.
If you have given the vaccine to your daughter then it would be far better as an adult if you to understand what it is you have done to your child, I will give you a start...
forget the idea of having grandchildren, you have opened your daughters to
sterilization, not all who received the vaccine just those deemed a possible case for not being controlled via all the NLP and TV.
I see desperation in the response of many, but take responsibility for what you have done and ensure your children do not get any booster jabs. To continue to hold on to the fact you are innocent of destroying your children is to say the least, pathetic.
You can fool yourself but never the spirit, grow up, admit you are at the mercy of the pharmaceutical corporations, all divisions of the Nazi IG Farben war machine of Hitler, and stand up against the mandatory vaccination agenda of the same.
In case you have missed the real information, the UK has indeed said the vaccinations will not be compulsory, but Ireland has just ok'd the Lisbon Treaty, leaving only Poland and the Czech republic to do the same....
what the media has failed to to tell you is the fact the EU has said the vaccinations will be mandatory, so as soon as the treaty is fully ratified you can forget the idea the UK will not come under the same.
To vent your spleen at me is fine from my perspective, I care not how you see me, but for god sake it is your children you are killing and sterilizing, if you hold to the fact there is a higher force in this world, then you need to understand just because you would rather put your head in the sand in relation to what you have already done, will still be classed as murder and child abuse when you face yourself at death... do it now save the children.
Take responsibility for your actions and stop blaming everyone else, you gave permission, you are to blame, your children will realize this as the years move on, ignorance is bliss, but children become adults, children can learn all by themselves, and they will I guarantee it.
04-10-2009, 11:21
I am Banned
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Re: Forced Vaccinations
Hi All.
Take time out from ranting at me and look back 20 years......children did not get cancer.
20 years ago vaccinating our children became the bully tactic of all dumb medical staff as soon as your child was delivered. I said no to all vaccinations for all four of my children, I looked the idiot nurses and doctors in the eye and said NO, do not touch my child with any chemical concoction or I will sue the living daylights out of you.
You could see the vacant expression on their little faces and wanting to put me up as a child abuser or some similar garbage. My children are never ill save for the normal stuff, they are highly intelligent, and their hearts are wide open...are yours?
Yes cervical cancer is frightening but that is exactly my point, the medical profession attack you with fear, if you are a fearful person you will buckle, accept you are weak and become strong. The rise in cancer goes hand in hand with parents buckling to the will of the medical mafia and injecting heinous chemicals into the children. if you want proof that the medical staff know more than they tell you, yet are happy to promote the vaccinations look at the fact that one third of the nurses have refused the vaccination for themselves, and 41% of the doctors the same.
Money has been arranged and so the doctors are now happy to stick you and your children while they are exempt....
The females are so weak, in fact even the schools are using this against them, just the other week as the Peel Park primary got very excited at the fact I have not handed in the forms they sent out relating to massive medical permissions, for the school and whatever medical operatives my children may come into contact with while at school, Mrs Jones the teacher of my youngest son suggested to my ex wife that she hand the information into school secretly...against the wishes of I the father.
The schools know the women will cave in under pressure, that to my mind is pathetic, and of course Mrs Jones is in some serious trouble for her deceptive suggestion.
Cancer is a consequence of the vaccinations you had when you were children, and all those you have had since, take responsibility for your own being and cease in this child like behavior handing over total sovereignty of your body and mind to the elite bankers.
04-10-2009, 11:22
Beacon of light
Re: Forced Vaccinations
I agree Kate, but this vaccination will not remove the need for cervical smears as it does not protect against 30% of HPV viruses.....so the girls now being vaccinated will still have to go for regular smears.......as for smears, many women fail to attend for them....and when some abnormality is found, they also fail to attend for investigation(colposcopy) and treatment.......this is still going to be the case.
And if you are set on a vaccination program then why vaccinate only girls? Is it because only girls will get the Cervical cancer? Boys carry and pass on the virus, so why not vaccinate them too.
Personally, I think that the companies who produce the vaccine have done quite a bit of scaremongering.......In 2005, some 900 women died from Cancer of the cervix......and while any death from cancer is lamentable, this is not a huge number when you take the population size into account. How many of these women had not been for their smears is not recorded.
As for the Vaccincation of all girls between the ages of 12 and 18.....this is something that is questionable.......the efficacy of the vaccine lasts for around 4 and a half years.......will only protect agains 70% of the viruses........and a leading Doctor who deals with women suffering from Cervical cancer, has said that the vaccine has not been tested for long enough to ensure it is safe and without long term effects.
I suppose I will be pilloried for my views...especially seeing as I worked in the field of Women's Health for a quarter of a century, but I prefer to research and exercise caution before accepting something that so called experts tell me.......I want to know whether these experts have vested interests in the promotion of mass vaccination.....a very lucrative business.
My way of dealing with this kind of disease would(and has been) to educate women in taking responsibility for their own health, to postpone sexual activity(early sexual activity may be a factor in the number of women having positive smears, and the number of sexual partners may also have a part to play).......to use safer sexual practices, to go for their smears on a regular basis(however unpleasant this procedure is perceived to be) and to lobby their MP for the re-introduction of smears at a younger age.
Every woman who is sexually active is at risk....and so once sexual activity is begun women should be entitled to a smear test.
I will duck now and avoid the flak.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 04-10-2009 at 11:28.
04-10-2009, 11:34
Beacon of light
Re: Forced Vaccinations
Originally Posted by katex
Well, cervical cancer is very scary Margaret as you will be aware !
The teacher in question told the 12 year old that the vaccination was going to protect her in case she got raped on her way home from school!
That cannot be right.
To tell a 12 year old this, especially as we are heading into the season of dark nights.
If a parent has decided that their child is not to have the vaccine, why should the teacher get away with scare tactics?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
04-10-2009, 17:11
I am Banned
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Re: Forced Vaccinations
Hi All.
So we have teachers acting not like teachers. They are lying and terrifying people into subservience. The question here is why?
Common Purpose is a pseudo-charity which has massive power within our system. The police, council's, Military, business, parliament, schools, hospitals etc.
Charities are not allowed to act political, common purpose is not only acting political but installing their own people into positions within our democratic system, in other words they train leaders and place them in power positions in our civil service.. It is training people who attend their courses under neural linguistic programming, which hypnotises people and shifts there perception. Psychologists use the same to help bring people out of depressive mindsets, so as a tool it is not all bad.
Understanding common purpose as I and others do, the same NLP programming is being used in a very negative way indeed, turning decent people into deceiving arrogant military type minds who are acting in a very subversive role acting not for the position within the civil service to which they take their pay, but acting for common purpose under the Chatham house rule.
Chatham House rule prevents any attendee of the meetings from disclosing who the other people attending the meeting are, yet they can use the information they gained at the meeting. Also each person who successfully graduates from the course answers to common purpose, first.....before they answer to the civil position they hold, very MI5, very Tavistock Institute...very secret society doctrine of which I know much
The teachers who are acting in the way Margaret and I presented, are such common purpose trained people, they are not what we expect teachers to be, we must root them out.
Not a single school head, councillor, MP, Social worker and police chief act....without first consulting such companies as Capita Symonds, Sector Weedon Grant, these companies control all the housing associations and such operations as Sure Start. Basically any busy body operation pushing its way into our system connect with companies such as capita Group Plc, both of the above are subsidiaries of Capita Group.
This is what I speak of when I mention the corporate takeover of a nation, which according to Mussolini,the Italian fascist when asked to define fascism, said :
"when the nations political and civil service takes command from the corporate world, fascism is in place".
This is what we suffer presently, and such teachers as we have presented operate for this corporate cartel, this is what is going on in our country as I write.
Here is the London core of this gang of Nazi minds, which is destroying this nation and beyond :
In Profile : The John Adam Street Gang :
In Profile : The John Adam Street Gang » Lifeinthemixtalk.com
This is one of the main corporate centres in the UK with arms as long as Mr Tickle, dictating policy, dictating to parents via teachers who work for these corporations in a secret way. These and many others, are the corporate madmen and women who want to force vaccinate everyone on the planet......
There is only one real question here....why do these corporate fascists want to vaccinate you and me?
I have studied for many years what exactly happened in Germany, these people are the same mind they have the same agenda, why do you trust these psychopaths to the point you will take their chemical concoction which by-passes the mucus immune system? given the distaste we as Englishmen and women learned to despise in the hell of the last two wars.
When you have given this much and deep thought, you might just snap out of the hex.
04-10-2009, 17:31
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Re: Forced Vaccinations
Originally Posted by Life
The females are so weak,
Thats a good non-sexist generalisation 
04-10-2009, 18:34
Resting in Peace
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Re: Forced Vaccinations
Originally Posted by Life
Hi All.
Take time out from ranting at me and look back 20 years......children did not get cancer.
Of course they did .. studies to improve cures have been going on since the early 1900's.
I said no to all vaccinations for all four of my children, I looked the idiot nurses and doctors in the eye and said NO, do not touch my child with any chemical concoction or I will sue the living daylights out of you.
You could see the vacant expression on their little faces and wanting to put me up as a child abuser or some similar garbage.
I suspect your feelings were not put with any sort of calm attitude Life.
My children are never ill save for the normal stuff, they are highly intelligent, and their hearts are wide open...are yours?
And long may they continue to be safe from any ill health. Possibly because many of our children are being immunised against the diseases that are either maimed or would have killed them, but, eh ... leave it to eveyone else then ! Look around any grave yards in our country and the young people that died of smallpox, polio, diptheria, scarlet fever,... and yes, even measles. That is not happening now ... mmm, why I wonder.
if you want proof that the medical staff know more than they tell you, yet are happy to promote the vaccinations look at the fact that one third of the nurses have refused the vaccination for themselves, and 41% of the doctors the same.
My daughter, as a practice nurse, has been responsible for injecting 100's of young people over the last few months with all these 'terrible chemicals' without any adverse side effects to them. She has administered it herself to her own daughter, and that is good enough for me. Naturally, her studies, seminars and access to information on this vaccine has been of the highest professional nature and I know she will have taken all the knowledge gathered with great seriousness before embarking on this programme.
Cancer is a consequence of the vaccinations you had when you were children, and all those you have had since, take responsibility for your own being and cease in this child like behavior handing over total sovereignty of your body and mind to the elite bankers.
Think you need a little more substantial proof on this statement Life. True that some cancer rates are growing, but due to other factors in the environment and social acceptence .. e.g. more acceptance that our children live in different times now and will be embarking on sexual activities earlier that 50 years ago.
Of course you are, and there are no plans to make any vaccinations mandatory ...everyone still has that choice to decide.
Strange a larger proportion of us are now expected to live to at least 100... mmm .. I wonder why ?
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I agree Kate, but this vaccination will not remove the need for cervical smears as it does not protect against 30% of HPV viruses.....so the girls now being vaccinated will still have to go for regular smears.......as for smears, many women fail to attend for them....and when some abnormality is found, they also fail to attend for investigation(colposcopy) and treatment.......this is still going to be the case.
And if you are set on a vaccination program then why vaccinate only girls? Is it because only girls will get the Cervical cancer? Boys carry and pass on the virus, so why not vaccinate them too.
Well, I can't disagree that we women have to take all the treatment Margaret ... doesn't seem fair does it ! 
Agree about the 30% .. but hey ... 70% 'aint that bad is it ? Trouble is, hope it doesn't make the girls complacent about having smear tests just because they think they are safe if they have received the vaccine. This needs eduction.
Personally, I think that the companies who produce the vaccine have done quite a bit of scaremongering.......In 2005, some 900 women died from Cancer of the cervix......and while any death from cancer is lamentable, this is not a huge number when you take the population size into account.
Wonder if you would be saying this if it were your daughter that contracted cancer of the cervix ... or that lovely grandchild of yours later in life.
I suppose I will be pilloried for my views...especially seeing as I worked in the field of Women's Health for a quarter of a century, but I prefer to research and exercise caution before accepting something that so called experts tell me.......
Unfortunately, in all walks of life .. we have to rely on experts in their field to pass on advice and knowledge.
My way of dealing with this kind of disease would(and has been) to educate women in taking responsibility for their own health, to postpone sexual activity(early sexual activity may be a factor in the number of women having positive smears, and the number of sexual partners may also have a part to play).......to use safer sexual practices, to go for their smears on a regular basis(however unpleasant this procedure is perceived to be) and to lobby their MP for the re-introduction of smears at a younger age.
Every woman who is sexually active is at risk....and so once sexual activity is begun women should be entitled to a smear test.
Ideally, would be great if we could now educate our children to refrain from what is a now sociable pastime ... unfortunately ... early sexual activity is here to stay it would appear, and don't think any turning back.
Yes, smear tests should be offered earlier ... I agree .. the Jane Goody case did help a little here.
My conclusion, however, that prevention rather than cure is a much smarter way to go about it.
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
The teacher in question told the 12 year old that the vaccination was going to protect her in case she got raped on her way home from school!
That cannot be right.
To tell a 12 year old this, especially as we are heading into the season of dark nights.
If a parent has decided that their child is not to have the vaccine, why should the teacher get away with scare tactics?
Well, the mind boggles at that Margaret ... silly woman. We don't really know though if this was taken out of context and just an addition to her diatribe. Teachers are not in a position to pontificate at the rights and wrongs of this vaccine, and should keep any opinions to themselves.
Ah well, that's my bit ... but respect everyone's right to make their own choices.
04-10-2009, 19:05
Beacon of light
Re: Forced Vaccinations
No, it wasn't taken out of context........I know the mother of this girl.......she doesn't live locally, but the 12 year old is a very young 12 year old, and arrived home after school very upset....initially would not divulge what had gone on, but her older brother, who attends the same school, heard everything that the Deputy head teacher said to the 12 year old, and he told his mother.
As for your responses to my post........ I fear that the girls will be decieved into thinking that they will be safe........will maybe not realise that after 5years they are no longer covered.(not sure if they are going to be offering booster shots).
My stance regarding Cervarix and Gardasil would be exactly the same if my daughter was of the age to receive it.......as for my daughters little girl (I don't admit to the GP role) while I would not interfere if her mother thought it was wise to have the vaccination, I personally, would not be suggesting that she have this vaccination.
I feel that there are other ways that this disease can be managed and contained.....the focus should be on education and encouraging girls to respect themselves more and not see sexual activity as a 'Sociable pastime'.......if girls are adult enough to indulge in this adult pursuit, then they must be adult enough to take responsibility for their actions.
We should be instilling morals into our children, but hey, that's old fashioned isn't it.
and Life...I say this to you, because I happen not to agree with the consensus of opinion of this topic, does not mean that I wish to align myself to your view of the situation.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
04-10-2009, 19:10
Beacon of light
Re: Forced Vaccinations
Oh, yes Kate.......I agree prevention is better than cure.......but I am not sure that this vaccine fits this bill entirely....vigilance, education and regular smear tests and follow up for all sexually active women would be a better way to go......but that is harder to achieve.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
04-10-2009, 23:29
Resting in Peace
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Re: Forced Vaccinations
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
No, it wasn't taken out of context........I know the mother of this girl.......she doesn't live locally, but the 12 year old is a very young 12 year old, and arrived home after school very upset....initially would not divulge what had gone on, but her older brother, who attends the same school, heard everything that the Deputy head teacher said to the 12 year old, and he told his mother.
I think that is absolutely disgraceful Margaret, she had no right to make such a statement ... might as well have told her to take the contraceptive pill so that she would not get pregnant if ever she were raped !!
Wonder if any teachers in the country, who are against the vaccine, have expressed the opposite view ?
As for your responses to my post........ I fear that the girls will be decieved into thinking that they will be safe........will maybe not realise that after 5years they are no longer covered.(not sure if they are going to be offering booster shots).
Think you may have misunderstood the longevity of this vaccine. What they are saying is that they have only 7 years experience of this vaccine and, at the moment, that is all they can guarantee until time moves on and it appears to be effective well beyond this.
For example ... I had a replacement hip at the age of 42, after an accident at 39 which didn't heal. On consulatation re. replacement, I naturally asked the surgeon how long the new hip would last me. All he could reply was that he could only guarantee 10/12 years, as this is the length of time they had experience with at the time. I have now been the proud owner for 24 years with absolutely no problems.
My stance regarding Cervarix and Gardasil would be exactly the same if my daughter was of the age to receive it.......as for my daughters little girl (I don't admit to the GP role) while I would not interfere if her mother thought it was wise to have the vaccination, I personally, would not be suggesting that she have this vaccination.
I would never suggest that you would ... get the impression your daughter does have a strong mind of her own .. LOL.
I feel that there are other ways that this disease can be managed and contained.....the focus should be on education and encouraging girls to respect themselves more and not see sexual activity as a 'Sociable pastime'.......if girls are adult enough to indulge in this adult pursuit, then they must be adult enough to take responsibility for their actions.
We should be instilling morals into our children, but hey, that's old fashioned isn't it.
Yes, 'tis old fashioned, but eh oh .. most of the parents of young children have become active sexually early, and would not see any particular harm in it I suppose.
Oh, yes Kate.......I agree prevention is better than cure.......but I am not sure that this vaccine fits this bill entirely....vigilance, education and regular smear tests and follow up for all sexually active women would be a better way to go......but that is harder to achieve. quote by Margaret.
Absolutely ... but this would take decades to achieve (if ever) and in the meantime, young women are dying from this awful cancer, so better we save our youngsters during what could be an interim period .. of which I doubt there is one.
Remember, lots of people get married in their teens too and, obviously, sexual activity is not frowned on as immoral (not that I think it is anyway), so have to offer the best protection we know. The pill, coils, condoms do not offer any protection against cervical cancer ... just pregnancy .. so married couples will still be at risk.
Last edited by katex; 04-10-2009 at 23:34.
05-10-2009, 00:06
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Re: Forced Vaccinations
MargP Boys carry and pass on the virus, so why not vaccinate them too.
Right Marg have I got this right? This virus is spread by sexual contact, so if all the sex education in schools was working and all kids had respect for their bodies they would use condoms thus eliminating the virus spreading? Know I can rely on you for a direct answer and also agree that the "old fashioned" method of opting out of casual sex is the way forward (but won't hold my breath). Whatever happened to kids being kids?
05-10-2009, 00:17
Resting in Peace
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Re: Forced Vaccinations
Realise your question was directed at me Bernie, but condoms will not protect against the HPV virus, as there is still bodily contact. Lessens it sure, but not 100%.
By the way, no cases of cervical cancer have been found in nuns as yet.
Last edited by katex; 05-10-2009 at 00:21.
05-10-2009, 00:32
Resting in Peace
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Re: Forced Vaccinations
Sorry meant to say 'not' directed at me. Time I hit the sack ..LOL.
No doubt Life will return soon giving us the benefit of his narrowed views. Talks about open hearts .. wish I could find one in his verbal diarrhoea.
05-10-2009, 05:36
Beacon of light
Re: Forced Vaccinations
Jewish women do not get cervical cancer either. (jewish men are circumsised......!)
Kate I am not saying that all sexual activity is immoral, just that early sexual activity, and the fact that the earlier you begin sexual activity, the more likely you are to have multiple partners........and when talking of multiple partners, a women is sleeping with however many partners her man has had in his past.........so the girl may only have slept with one guy, but he may have slept with 300 women.......so he can have picked up the virus from any one of these partners and be passing it on willy-nilly(no pun intended).
In todays society, fidelity seems to count for very little, and sexual continence is practically unheard of.
These are just my own personal views and observations.
I really don't expect many people to agree with me. I guess I am old fashioned.....we are a dying breed.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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