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Old 06-10-2009, 23:23   #256
Resting in Peace

katex's Avatar

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Life View Post
Hi All.

Lemon tea, not lemsip...
Oh bother ... apologies .. Just spent 1/2 hour constructing that post .. still now I know what Lemsip contains now... LOL.
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Old 06-10-2009, 23:30   #257
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Re: Forced Vaccinations

its true katex. I do have a lazy eye. Over time it has straightened somewhat and goes 'lazy' mostly when i take my glasses off.

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Ok .. admit to googling to endorse my point Restless :-

9. Squint
Measles can also cause a squint in your child's eye, which previously seemed normal. A squint is due to a weakening of one of the muscles controlling the eye. It is thought that in measles cases the weakness was probably there but your child was able to compensate for it. However, after suffering from measles your child is no longer able to do this, and the squint becomes noticeable. There are no figures available for the frequency of this condition when associated with measles.

Bless ..x
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Old 07-10-2009, 07:25   #258
I am Banned

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Hi All.

Apology accepted and now we all know what garbage is in the lemsip, so not wasted at all.....

So they are coming to take the poster away eh....are you asking me to publish your story?
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Old 07-10-2009, 13:23   #259
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Forced Vaccinations

I think it's time we all mellowed a little and started taking heed of what Life is telling us, after all he is a very brave man.

How many of us would risk life and limb by touching a plastic keyboard full of modern toxin's and no doubt using up the world's resources at a rate that means by the time my own keyboard fills up with crusty curry sauce and other unhealthy food droppings, I won't be able to go to my P.C. World and buy a replacement.

Of course he could be taking precautions by wearing rubber gloves to insulate him from the worst effects, but then, aren't they supplied by pharmaceutical Companies and we all know that they are the really evil people that would like to destroy him before he has informed the World of their plans to remove anyone with an I.Q. lower than a snail, no wonder he is worried.
(Any snails out there please don't be worried about this statement IT IS, only lower lifeforms these companies aim to eradicate).

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 07-10-2009, 21:06   #260
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Re: Forced Vaccinations

Any firemen on here like to respond to this nonsense? I am not entirely convinced that turning things off at the plug would stop all house fires!! Are we to believe that in Life's lovely cosy house nothing is left on overnight? No freezer? No alarm clock? No phone charger?

ps My daughter says she feels fine after her jabs and "her head hasn't fallen off yet"
Ooh by the way, is my contraceptive jab some sort of alien implant that I need to be aware of?
Sorry , but this is the daftest thing I have ever read.
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 07-10-2009, 22:58   #261
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Re: Forced Vaccinations

not the daftest by far.
My friend brought around a video of Credo Mutwa talking to david icke... Now that was daft.
Credo was telling david that an alien with bright red pubic hair raped him and turned him into a bixsexual. He goes on to tell how in the new star wars films some of the aliens are what the aliens that interbreeded with humanity looks like. He said in early human history we were born with no sex and that aliens came and made two caves. Some went in one and some went in another and when they came out they were male and female
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Old 08-10-2009, 08:20   #262
I am Banned

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Hi All.

Ah bless, it would seem my antagonists have run out of steam...rubber gloves David Icke.... Aliens.....

Not sure at which point I have spoken of such but if it makes you feel warm and worries.

Interesting though this may be, in all my 42 years I have never had a house fire, forgive my ignorance but I do remember a time not that long ago in the time before smoke alarms, fires were no more prevalent than they are today.

Today many fires do seem to start with overloaded sockets, which suggests numtyness.

You will no doubt like this next bit, I am sure it will inspire you to remain off topic, but....I do not have a fridge or freezer, I have nothing electrical in my bedroom, and as for mobile phones left on all night.....not happening.

I rather like to eat out given I am a crap cook, sort of cant cook wont cook scenario. Maybe I am just one of those aliens of which you speak, but my lifestyle suits my demeanor.

Any way my fire precautions consist of very large stones I have picked up on my travels, a few baseball bats etc, a stone thrown threw the window followed by my good self, but the most important ingredient is never to fear about things until they are should try it!

Take the cat, tootling down the street minding its own business, a dog arrives and the cat will react in fear, as soon as the dog has gone the cat will settle itself and let go of the fear it experienced for the moment it required action, then back to its chilled out walk.

The point of this little ditty would be, that to carry all the fear around with you places you in a insecure mindset, under these circumstances one is not thinking clearly, very open to suggestion, and very easily controlled by whomever places their self in the frame as your protector, you become a servant to fear and thus those you see as guardian.

The fact is, for some very strange reason you have all been inflicted with outright fear over the FLU......has positioned the medical mafia as guardian, they say take the shot, not for medical benefit but because they too have let go of their sanity and operate in the same fear as you.

Medical staff are not evil as you put it, but those to which the medical staff take their dictate are. I know this therefore under no circumstances will I exist in fear, I will however offer what i know to be so to others who are also less inclined to fear the fact they are alive, I suppose to conclude in this regard, those who offer only insults cannot exist outside of the fear pushed out via local radio, TV, and the papers.

Turn off the tv, the radio for a week, and notice the fear subside, if you ain't listening to the horror story, it cannot grab you, it only works while you are in the story, but I suppose such an option for most is abhorrent, what will we do, how can we survive without the brainstorming box in the corner?

Very well indeed I reply.
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Old 08-10-2009, 11:34   #263
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Re: Forced Vaccinations

Blimey those clock-work computers allow you to qrite an awful lot

...of guff.
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Old 08-10-2009, 11:55   #264
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Re: Forced Vaccinations

Life, you say that fear places you in a position of insecurity, but what are you doing with your links to sites with stuff on them that would scare the humblest person out of their wits?........Aah, I see, you are educating........and would tell us that it isn't the same thing......but information given in a format that is indigestible causes fear and anxiety........we don't all have the same mental capacities, but that doesn't make anyone 'numpty', a derogatory insult, if ever I heard may make them uneducated, and this can be remedied, but in an appropriate way.
I think you need to look at how you determine what the forum members are need to judge them less.......either that or find a forum where your thinly veiled insults are acceptable.
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Old 08-10-2009, 14:56   #265
I am Banned

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Hi All.

Ok so MP would rather fall out?

The fear given out via the TV and media is a false threat, it then forces your attention to the police and government to PROTECT YOU.
I show you what is really going on, yes it brings forth fear, but like ridding a cycle, the more you see it the less you fear. In this case to confront the reality and deal with all the emotions that arise, you are positioning yourself in the position to stop it.

I show you your power, the TV shows your weakness and presents the state as power...its called communism.

Thinly veiled, I thought they were pretty clear.

If you look through the posts I respond with like.

Its only an education to a pupil, a pupil is one who wants to learn

I am always learning.....

Last edited by Life; 08-10-2009 at 15:01.
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Old 08-10-2009, 15:15   #266
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Life View Post
Hi All.

I show you your power, the TV shows your weakness and presents the state as power...its called communism.
Could you please explain how as a free thinker that you claim to be, a thread about Vaccinations suddenly becomes an anti-Communist thread?

You talk about thread wandering, you insult people because the way they look doesn't suit your ideal, (a very weak argument, you have to agree), and then all of a sudden we aren't talking about Vaccinations, we are talking about 'Reds under our bed's', come on, whatever artificial sensory stimulant you are using, share it with the rest of us, we would also like to live in a world like yours.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 08-10-2009, 16:44   #267
Resting in Peace
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Re: Forced Vaccinations

Herbert Charles Angelo Kuchacevich von Schluderbacheru.

Are you related Life? Could explain a Lot

Some people think I'm a bit of an animal, but I'm quite tender really
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Old 08-10-2009, 17:41   #268
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Re: Forced Vaccinations

For your information, I am not scared of FLU , I am not scared of most things, though house fires are pretty nasty, believe me I have first hand knowledge and if you did you would protect the children you claim to care so much about by having smoke alarms. No answers to our other queries though? Another one to ponder, would you get a malaria jab if you were going abroad or just trust to chance that your "non fear" of the mosquito would be enough?
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 08-10-2009, 18:26   #269
I am Banned

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Hi All.

I think you miss the point....the smoke detectors give off radiation, more detectors more radiation....radiation kills living cells and mutates living cells.

I would not take a malaria jab, chances are I had all that in the Military anyhow....

If I have failed to answer your questions my apologies but I don't usually have much time, but I still seem to have the flu, so I would be happy to answer if you do not mind presenting them again.

Last edited by Life; 08-10-2009 at 18:35.
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Old 08-10-2009, 18:34   #270
I am Banned

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Hi All.

Communism is the state dictating to the people, In this case we have the global state, the United Nations, via its little lapdog, The World Health Organisation, dictating to all citizens or assets, to take a vaccine. Communism came into the equation because this is the term used for social dictatorship, it came in all by itself
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