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Old 02-06-2006, 10:25   #1
God Member

WARNING Very convincing ebay email screenprint

I have today received a very convincing email from <[email protected]> The link takes you to yet another very convincing page but if you look in the address .com appears twice in the address. The first ebay verification address is fake and is ignored by your pc, the last address . com is the actual address. do NOT sign in to ebay on that form it looks VERY real but it isn't.
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Last edited by Madhatter; 02-06-2006 at 10:40.
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Old 02-06-2006, 10:41   #2
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Re: WARNING Very convincing ebay email

Sorry but there only convincing if your daft enough to fall for them... Ebay state quite clearly that they do not send out such emails so any you recieve should be ignored. If people don't read ebay notices and are not savvy enough to know a spoof email then should they really be using services that require sensative info.. I think not
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Old 02-06-2006, 10:45   #3
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Re: WARNING Very convincing ebay email

Hear Hear!

There is so such thing as a convincing ebay/bank/paypal email because none of them send them out in the first place. How can something be 'convincing' i.e. implying that it is just like the 'real' thing when the 'real' thing doesn't exist in the first place!

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Old 02-06-2006, 11:52   #4
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Re: WARNING Very convincing ebay email

Implying that the pictures look like an ebay screen, the link that that email goes to looks exactly like the real ebay log in screen, with the address as the normal loggin address followed by another address , login_ebay, but yes your correct, ebay do not send out emails asking for log in information, so in theory it's not convincing but in reality people are guilible and you know it entwisi.
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Old 02-06-2006, 11:59   #5
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Re: WARNING Very convincing ebay email

Plus you both wrong, ebay do send out emails, they never ask on the email to confirm your account details. In theory it would be possible and a lot more convincing if they sent out an ebay top sellers email and the links on that went to their site asking you to log in. Thats why you shouldn't log in from an email, and should always open a fresh page yourself to log in. if you do that first, any genuine email top sellers list or anything else shouldnt ask you to log in because you already are in the other window.
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Old 02-06-2006, 12:06   #6
I am Banned


Re: WARNING Very convincing ebay email

Easiest way to tell if its fake is hover mouse over the links - dont click it at the bottom it says the address of this link most spam ones usually have false weblinks but the safest way is to log into your ebay & any messages sent by ebay are listed.

ALways report ebay spam or any bank spam mails thro the sites spam sections otherwise these people wont be stopped & if in any doubt of temptation apply as spam & delete the mail.
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Old 02-06-2006, 12:23   #7
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Re: WARNING Very convincing ebay email

What ever happened to lycos DOS attack on spam sites
Bring back the mass DOS
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Old 02-06-2006, 12:24   #8
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Re: WARNING Very convincing ebay email

Originally Posted by accymel
ALways report ebay spam or any bank spam mails thro the sites spam sections otherwise these people wont be stopped & if in any doubt of temptation apply as spam & delete the mail.
TBH I wouldn't even be bothered with this. You will never stop them because it is so easy to set up a new site. You are quite simply wasting your time.

As for people being gullible Mad, Yes they are but IMHO with power comes responsibility. If you want to use a PC to do financial transactions then you should accept the respoonsibility to learn a bit about what you are doing and what can go wrong.

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Old 02-06-2006, 14:26   #9
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Re: WARNING Very convincing ebay email

Originally Posted by KIPAX
Sorry but there only convincing if your daft enough to fall for them... Ebay state quite clearly that they do not send out such emails so any you recieve should be ignored. If people don't read ebay notices and are not savvy enough to know a spoof email then should they really be using services that require sensative info.. I think not
When I first signed up for ebay within a couple of hours I got an e.mail that looked like any other "welcome to ebay" mail. This one said there was a problem and that I should re-send my bank/address details within 48hrs or they would presume me to be fraudulent and terminate my account. Considering I had not given any bank details in the 1st place I did reply giving my name and address only, I realised later this could have been a scam, but at that time I had the same attitude as KIPAX, that anyone falling for these sometimes very slick operations was daft and had no savvy, but then again I'm just a mere mortal!
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Old 03-06-2006, 01:23   #10
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Re: WARNING Very convincing ebay email

Sorry entwisi, some don't spend as much time at a pc as you or even as me, simply because they don't understand anything about them or the internet other than whats been shown them or they've learned online from ppl like you. They learn what they need to know, to get on ebay for example, buy stuff with their card and thats all they want to know cos that's been difficult enough for them to take in. I knew nothing three years ago, didn't even know how to turn a pc on. I've learned and carried on learning, not methodically, just bits a bobs as and when needed or if it interests me to do so. My older brother still knows very little and filled one of these things in, my younger brother knows a lot more than I ever will, although I doubt if he knows as much you, lol.
I've not seen one laid out as good as that before, and I'm glad I've put this post on cos if it stops one person getting dupped, thats one less person hurt by the theiving scumbags.
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Old 03-06-2006, 01:29   #11
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Re: WARNING Very convincing ebay email

Madhatter I commend you for your post.. at least you try to guide the lesser ones such as myself, and I suspect many others on the web that have to learn from experience.
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Old 05-06-2006, 08:23   #12
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Re: WARNING Very convincing ebay email

Mad, Yes I spend a fair amount of time at my PC, thats how I make my money(see other threads )As for responsibility, there are lots of things in life that we need to learn before we use them properly, driving is one that springs to mind. Using a PC to do financial transactions is IMHO akin to getting into a fast car, if you aren't trained/savvy about it then it will bite you on the bum.

The propblem with the 'I'm glad I posted this to stop one person etc' mentality is that if we alll thought like that the whole internet would be flooded with warnings such that we wouldn't see the meat on the bones. I've been on teh Net for over 10 years and TBH you get sick of seeing the same old scams/warnings being posted over and over again.

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Old 05-06-2006, 17:31   #13
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Re: WARNING Very convincing ebay email

people are told the internet is a safe place to do financial transactions. You know it's full of pot holes, so do I, but when I started my ebay account i didn't, I relied on people who told me. So your saying that I shouldn't have started my account because I didn't know about the internet AND to be honest, I've only ever seen one warning of an ebay scam before, what sorts of sites are these warning posts on? ae they on family sites that know nothings would go on like this or are they on techy sites that knownothings wouldn't even go on? Personally I'd post this in general but because I know it will get moved I didn't, and the reason is that know nothings don't usually even come in here, they don't understand it.
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Old 07-06-2006, 12:58   #14
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Angry Re: WARNING Very convincing ebay email

All people have to remember is never log into an account somewhere like E-Bay, E-Gold etc EXCEPT by using the bookmarked URL that you have used before.

The latest E-Gold fake site is an exact replica except for one tiny detail. On the genuine E-Gold page there are several one pixel sized graphics the same colour as the background and thus invisible. They are not in place on the fake site.

However there is a greater threat with E-Gold. Something out there hijacks your bookmarked E-Gold URL and also dumps gdiwxp.dll in WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/ and probably gdiw2k.sys as well. The last time that it happened to me gdiwxp.dll would not allow itself to be deleted. I had to do a system restore to a point before this latest threat came up to get rid of it. I then used WordPad to create a file in WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/ named gdiwxp.dll and set the attributes to ‘Read Only’. I did the same with gdiw2k.sys. I assumed that whatever was dumping gdiwxp.dll and/or gdiw2k.sys would not be able to overwrite my versions and so far it hasn’t been able to. My Bookmarked URL still gets hijacked but it has no effect.

How do I know that my E-Gold bookmarked URL has been hijacked. I use AdAware (free for personal use from and it tells me and removes it.

I don’t even use a bookmarked URL for E-Gold now and just type it in instead.

When you use your now hijacked bookmarked URL you do get taken to the genuine E-Gold page and after you log in you get taken straight to your balance page and not to the page that shows your Sentinel Settings. If, when you log in successfully to E-Gold, you get taken straight to your Sentinel settings page you came assume that your E-Gold bookmarked URL has been hijacked. Go straight to your Sentinel Settings page. You will find that they have been re-set to disabled. Re-set them back to where you had them and your E-Gold account will remain secure.

This playing around with your Sentinel Settings is of little use to the miscreant unless you have a keylogger or clipboard reader on your computer. But how do you know when a brand new one does the rounds? You find out when you E-Gold account is emptied and E-Gold will not try and get you your cash back.
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Old 10-06-2006, 09:13   #15
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Talking Re: WARNING Very convincing ebay email

Originally Posted by jambutty

However there is a greater threat with E-Gold. Something out there hijacks your bookmarked E-Gold URL and also dumps gdiwxp.dll in WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/ and probably gdiw2k.sys as well. The last time that it happened to me gdiwxp.dll would not allow itself to be deleted. I had to do a system restore to a point before this latest threat came up to get rid of it. I then used WordPad to create a file in WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/ named gdiwxp.dll and set the attributes to ‘Read Only’. I did the same with gdiw2k.sys. I assumed that whatever was dumping gdiwxp.dll and/or gdiw2k.sys would not be able to overwrite my versions and so far it hasn’t been able to. My Bookmarked URL still gets hijacked but it has no effect.
Glad you got it sorted JB... where can I get the translated version? LOL!
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