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14-03-2007, 18:16
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Re: hacked
I am really protective of my pc ...... I only allow people in this house to use it so I can slap them silly if they knacker it up, and I'm permenantly looking over the shoulder of the sites they're on.
14-03-2007, 18:37
Re: hacked
Originally Posted by chav1
if a key logger has been installed i would be looking at visitors who you give access to your computer to unsupervised as they take a while to set up propperly
Is that an admission?
I bet you slipped her one on her PC 
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14-03-2007, 20:14
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Re: hacked
Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle
What a ****** misskitty! Hope you manage to get it sorted quickly.
By coincidence I was just looking at the Windows updates websites and noticed cyberdefender, an internet security suite. I presume I don't need another internet suite with having Nortons?
These keyloggers sound worrying  How serious are they to a normal home user? To avoid being caught out by these keylogger things is it better to have websites 'remember' your passwords so you don't have to type it out?
Rootkit? Whats those all about then? Should the home user have one?
I know security is paramount on the pc but when you hear of someone getting hacked, unfortunately this time misskitty, it sort of sends you into a panic.
I'm not a fan of Norton as mentioned before. Have you paid for a subscription Tinks? IIRC teh norton that comes on laptops is only a demo version?????
There are security issues with having sites remember your passwords. its stored somewhere on your PC (usually in a known location so trojans etc don't even have to wait for you to type it, they can just get them all from your hard disk without you knowing its been done
Rootkit is something you REALLY don't want. its basically a virus that installs itself into required system files such that you can't even tell they are installed. VERY serious stuff.
14-03-2007, 20:22
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Re: hacked
Originally Posted by Neil
Is that an admission?
I bet you slipped her one on her PC 
not too sure about that one can i get back to you ?
14-03-2007, 20:43
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Re: hacked
Originally Posted by entwisi
I'm not a fan of Norton as mentioned before. Have you paid for a subscription Tinks?
It's the BT version
Originally Posted by entwisi
There are security issues with having sites remember your passwords. its stored somewhere on your PC (usually in a known location so trojans etc don't even have to wait for you to type it, they can just get them all from your hard disk without you knowing its been done
So there's no way to protect yourself against keyloggers?
Originally Posted by entwisi
Rootkit is something you REALLY don't want. its basically a virus that installs itself into required system files such that you can't even tell they are installed. VERY serious stuff.
 Rootkit is a virus or the pc scanning software that ***Mr D*** put links to is a virus?
14-03-2007, 21:36
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Re: hacked
hackers do not go to this much troubel for teh average home user you have to be realy realy unlucky to be a victim of been hacked especialy to the level where they get information about your passwords for email accounts and ebay
by the tiem you have installed all the applications people have recomemnded all you will end up with is a slow pc
windows xp comes with a firewall which is ample enough for any home user and avg will scan well enough for viruses etc
adaware which everyone raves on about is garbage and teh last time i used it and ran spybot seach and destroy( a much better application ) it showed adaware to conatin spyware and half teh stuff it finds it dosnt remove
you can either sit there crapping your self behind 20 applications hoping you dont get hacked or take reasonable steps and relax
hackers are like car theirves , if they want into your pc tehy will get in just like a car theif will get into a car no matter how good the alarm
the only computer that cant be hacked is one thats not plugged into teh net
take accyweb for example , roy knows what hes doing but the site still got taken down by hackers , there is always a way no matter what steps you take
Last edited by chav1; 14-03-2007 at 21:39.
14-03-2007, 22:23
Re: hacked
Originally Posted by chav1
the only computer that cant be hacked is one thats not plugged into teh net 
Make sure your wireless is switched off on your laptop as well 
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14-03-2007, 22:32
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Re: hacked
Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle
 Rootkit is a virus or the pc scanning software that ***Mr D*** put links to is a virus?
The things on the links are Anti-Rootkits.
Everything is OK
14-03-2007, 22:52
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Re: hacked
Yeah, I just couldn't understand entwisi's explanation. I didn't know if they were a legitimate rootkit scanner or they were masquerading as a scanner when they are infact the virus and attach to your pc when you scan with the programme.
Am not at all techie minded, I often feel a bit blinded by it all. You think you cover one area and they you hear of other insecurities, today the new one is rootkit, I'd never heard of it before.
As I said, when someone you know gets hacked it causes panic ...... unnessarily maybe.
15-03-2007, 00:10
Coffin Dodger.
Re: hacked
adaware which everyone raves on about is garbage and teh last time i used it and ran spybot seach and destroy( a much better application ) it showed adaware to conatin spyware and half teh stuff it finds it dosnt remove---- agree with chav spybot is much better, i have adaware,spybot, and also ccleaner,which was recomended to me by a site owner, and i have found its even better than spybot,also removes more and within 1 min, i also found if i run ccleaner first then spybot i will have no threats on spybot, but if i do it the other way round- spybot first, then ccleaner will pick stuff up,so that to me is the proof.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
15-03-2007, 00:23
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Re: hacked
Also when you have ended your surfing/internet ....delete everything from your browser..I have found that by going to start-run and type "%temp%" without the quotes.. it takes you to the temp folder and you can delete files that can contain spy stuff.
I have posted this before... if I run skybot it may show some threats .. but if I clear my browser cache and do the %temp% folder before I run spybot then it tells me all is clear.. try it.
15-03-2007, 09:46
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Re: hacked
I tend to clear my cache & temp folder but not all the time, ccleaner is good i recommend it, as spybot 
15-03-2007, 10:21
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Re: hacked
Originally Posted by chav1
you have to be realy realy unlucky to be a victim of been hacked especialy to the level where they get information about your passwords for email accounts and ebay
Rub it in why dont ya 
15-03-2007, 10:22
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Re: hacked
<fx:Ian passes salt over>
15-03-2007, 15:05
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Re: hacked
Originally Posted by entwisi
<fx:Ian passes salt over>
i think its salty enough 
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