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Old 17-04-2012, 13:51   #121
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Jimmy Saville doesn't now have the chance to face his accusers.

Having passed away.

What we do know, as fact, is that he raised an awful lot of money for various charities.

Which made a real difference, to the lives of a vast number of very sick people.

That's something we at least know to be true.

Unlike these scurrilous rumours.

I guess there's something in that old saying, about not speaking ill of the dead.

As someone might just do it to those who did.

When they're trying to rest in their grave.
Perhaps there should be an Accrington Web Seance? Ask him to speak in his defence!
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Old 17-04-2012, 17:40   #122
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
Perhaps there should be an Accrington Web Seance? Ask him to speak in his defence!
Is there anybody there
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Old 17-04-2012, 19:14   #123
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Is there anybody there
How's about that then? Guy's and Gals...

Didn't a lot of people have dogdy haircuts in the 70's!

Last edited by kestrelx; 17-04-2012 at 19:18.
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Old 18-04-2012, 08:31   #124
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
How's about that then? Guy's and Gals...

Didn't a lot of people have dogdy haircuts in the 70's!
There were a lot of us about in the 70s
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Old 01-10-2012, 21:11   #125
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

Whatever the truth may be, Jimmy Savile's friends aren't coming across as a particularly trustworthy or likeable bunch. It's like being defended by Steptoe senior.
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Old 01-10-2012, 23:46   #126
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

I expect that the documentary due to be aired on Wednesday will be the tip of the iceberg type of revelation.

I don't think that the many other rumours and allegations will ever be investigated because too many 'high profile' people would be implicated.
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Old 02-10-2012, 01:13   #127

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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

I expect better from you Margaret, ITV is point scoring here.
Since when have you taken mainstream TV or even the Press seriously, you are always telling us to look at obscure websites that 'tell the truth '

Back on topic, regardless of what he did or did not do, why does the detail come out now?
If the police investigated him several years ago and did not prosecute, then maybe it was through a lack of evidence.

It's rather awkward to defend yourself when you are dead
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

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Old 02-10-2012, 08:21   #128
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

Originally Posted by Boeing Guy View Post
I expect better from you Margaret, ITV is point scoring here.
Since when have you taken mainstream TV or even the Press seriously, you are always telling us to look at obscure websites that 'tell the truth '

Back on topic, regardless of what he did or did not do, why does the detail come out now?
If the police investigated him several years ago and did not prosecute, then maybe it was through a lack of evidence.

It's rather awkward to defend yourself when you are dead
Could have been fear? Victims tried to forget about it but find they are haunted by it! Very difficult to go to the police and complain about someone who is supposed to be a pillar of society and in the 70's and 80's the police were very biggotted about these issues like rape and often ridiculed women or people who complained about such issues.

This morning on the Wright Stuff (Channel 5) they are discussing the issue of Jimmy Saville.

Last edited by kestrelx; 02-10-2012 at 08:23.
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Old 02-10-2012, 08:26   #129

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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

I don't buy that, Johnathon King, Michael Jackson both were very high profile and yet people found the courage.

As I said, it is easy to knock someone once they are dead.
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
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Old 02-10-2012, 08:29   #130
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

Originally Posted by Boeing Guy View Post
I don't buy that, Johnathon King, Michael Jackson both were very high profile and yet people found the courage.

As I said, it is easy to knock someone once they are dead.
Yes it is easier, and that's why they waited.
My version of 'high profile' differs from yours.
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Old 02-10-2012, 08:31   #131
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

Originally Posted by Boeing Guy View Post
I don't buy that, Johnathon King, Michael Jackson both were very high profile and yet people found the courage.

As I said, it is easy to knock someone once they are dead.
Just watching this program the Wright Stuff on it, apparently people like fellow DJ Paul Gambaccini and Esther Rantzen say there were always rumours but people didn't want to believe it? That is what they are saying - why say it now?
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Old 02-10-2012, 08:32   #132
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

Originally Posted by Boeing Guy View Post
I don't buy that, Johnathon King, Michael Jackson both were very high profile and yet people found the courage.

As I said, it is easy to knock someone once they are dead.
I'm with you here BG, marvelous that these so called "victims" now have the strength to come forward just a year after his death but kept stum for 30 years
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Old 02-10-2012, 08:38   #133

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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

Interesting point on the Wright Stuff, regarding the allegations made against John Leslie. Very similar.
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
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Old 02-10-2012, 08:43   #134
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

How come all the papers are reporting that during an interview in 2009 that Jimmy Savile - seemed to support Gary Glitter...

Jimmy Savile was interviewed by detectives under caution in 2007 over claim of abuse at children's home in 1970s | Mail Online

Glitter was sentenced to four months' imprisonment after being convicted of downloading over 4,000 pornographic images of children, some as young as two and three, in 1999.

In March 2006 Glitter was jailed for three years for molesting two girls, aged 11 and 12, in the Vietnamese resort town of Vung Tau and made to sign the sex offenders' register.

Savile allegedly says in a recorded interview that Glitter - whose real name is Paul Gadd - had only used the films for his own 'gratification' and had not tried to profit from them by selling them.

The Jim'll Fix It presenter is shown in an interview with a journalist in 2009, suggesting that Gadd was more victim than predator.

He says: 'Now Gary, all he did was to take his computer into PC World to get it repaired.

'They went into the hard drive, saw all these dodgy pictures and told the police and the police then, "Oh we've got a famous person...Oh my goodness, yeah we'll have them."

'But Gary has not sold 'em, has not tried to sell 'em, not tried to show them in public or anything like that.

Last edited by kestrelx; 02-10-2012 at 08:46.
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Old 02-10-2012, 08:48   #135
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re: Allegations about Jimmy Saville: covered up?

It is alleged that he pimped boys from children's homes for two very high profile politicians - he 'fixed it' for people who daren't let him face prosecution.
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