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16-10-2012, 09:29
Beacon of light
Re: Licence's
Services are part of the topic...the licence you pay(or don't in, your case - you sponger) is to entitle you to a service.....in relation to the TV licence...the service is to be allowed to receive broadcasts.
In relation to other services, that you yourself mentioned....they are not licences, but charges for services which you use freely.
Gas, Electricty, Water......water includes the disposal of waste water and sewage...(which you produce in abundance)....you obviously use these services, but want the rest of us to foot the bill...that means you are a sponger, a freeloader...no other way to look at it.
If we all took your stance, the streets would be knee deep in rubbish, we would not have a safe water supply...it would be contaminated with sewage, disease would be rife,we would have rat infestations fo mammoth proportions.....you would need much more that your so called expensive water filters then.
As MargaretR says, our water supply isn't currently flouridated
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 16-10-2012 at 09:32.
16-10-2012, 14:08
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Re: Licence's
Originally Posted by Chris SUI JURIS
I would be prepared to pay for the service of providing myself with clean, healthy, fresh drinking water, free of all toxic substances as long as United Utilities are prepared to prove the condition of the water to My Satisfaction.( thats My Satisfaction not theres, nor anyone else's after all I am the one who has to drink there sludge However the amount i'd pay would be by necessity.
And that's your excuse....
could you please enlighten us with the virtue of your knowledge, you must have studied at Oxford or Cambridge and have a laboratory full of the latest spectrum analysers at your disposal. oh hang on though.....your just a muppet arn't you, stealing money off the rest of us. What you are doing is no better than common thievery, in fact worse, and you come on here thinking your great. well you are not.
I cannot be bothered even trying to discuss anything with you as you are not worth my time or effort. 
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"
Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
16-10-2012, 14:27
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Re: Licence's
Originally Posted by Chris SUI JURIS
I have had to purchase fluoride free bottled water (at considerable expense to myself ) and that Currently my weekly expenditure on bottled water is in excess of £15, as i'm not prepared to use tap water for drinking or food preparation and that with said costs i cant contribute to there caribbean island retirement fund anymore. I could also tell you i'm aware that the fluoride UU add may be absorbed through our skin particularly when the water temperature is such that the pores are opened thus we are also being supplied with water unfit for personal hygiene
1.try write to UU and ask for evidence that they are not medicating you and your family by adding chemical additives to your water or
2.write and ask for evidence that the fluoride they add to our water supply is not a bi-product of the agro-chemical industry and therefore deemed as industrial waste,
are there are any benefits to us from this chlorined/fluorided water supply?
Originally Posted by MargaretR
Well there you are, Margaret has just saved you £15/week, how about donating that to UU so we don't have to pay your bill?
The fluoride is there to prevent dental caries (tooth decay) and the chlorine is added to drinking water as the final stage of treatment in order to kill any harmful germs, just like the formaldehyde in the vaccines you're so afraid of.
And the fluoride they add to our water supply may be a by product of the agro-chemical industry but it's just a chemical like any other and surely it's better to have a by product that's useful than one that might be "industrial waste".
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
16-10-2012, 15:13
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Re: Licence's
Originally Posted by susie123
Well there you are, Margaret has just saved you £15/week, how about donating that to UU so we don't have to pay your bill?
The fluoride is there to prevent dental caries (tooth decay) and the chlorine is added to drinking water as the final stage of treatment in order to kill any harmful germs, just like the formaldehyde in the vaccines you're so afraid of.
And the fluoride they add to our water supply may be a by product of the agro-chemical industry but it's just a chemical like any other and surely it's better to have a by product that's useful than one that might be "industrial waste".
donating £15 a week to UU  ,,,i'd rather give it maundy grange   ,,,,i don't believe Fluoride does our teeth any favors,i've never seen any convincing evidence anyway, have you cheif supersue  ?
fluoride naturally occurs in most water supplies( varying amounts), they routinely add even more of this industrial waste - which i believe use to be used as a rat poison ,,,,but AGAIN that not the topic
16-10-2012, 15:24
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Re: Licence's
Originally Posted by Boeing Guy
And that's your excuse....
could you please enlighten us with the virtue of your knowledge, you must have studied at Oxford or Cambridge and have a laboratory full of the latest spectrum analysers at your disposal. oh hang on though.....your just a muppet arn't you, stealing money off the rest of us. What you are doing is no better than common thievery, in fact worse, and you come on here thinking your great. well you are not.
I cannot be bothered even trying to discuss anything with you as you are not worth my time or effort. 
maybe you should ask for a reduction in your water rates ,just the money they spend adding these chems,who knows you might even be able to afford to study at oxford 
I may give the impression i'm great but i thats not my intent, don't think i'm any better than anyone,nor that anyone is better than me 
16-10-2012, 15:30
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Re: Licence's
Do you Need a licence?
Are licence's permission to commit what would otherwise be seen as a crime?
can i pull up in the park and sell refreshments out my boot without a licence?
16-10-2012, 16:32
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Re: Licence's
Originally Posted by Chris SUI JURIS
donating £15 a week to UU  ,,,i'd rather give it maundy grange   ,,,,i don't believe Fluoride does our teeth any favors,i've never seen any convincing evidence anyway, have you cheif supersue  ?
fluoride naturally occurs in most water supplies( varying amounts), they routinely add even more of this industrial waste - which i believe use to be used as a rat poison ,,,,but AGAIN that not the topic
Perhaps you'd like to take a look at this article, sorry it's about USA rather than UK but it's a useful summary.
Why Fluoridation Is Important
As for rat poison, here's a quote from the article I just mentioned:
Half-truths are commonly used. For example, saying that fluoride is a rat poison ignores the fact that poison is a matter of dose. [Think we may have been here before in the vaccine thread.] Large amounts of many substances—even pure water—can poison people. But the trace amount of fluoride contained in fluoridated water will not harm anyone.
Warfarin, a drug commonly used to thin the blood and prevent clotting, was also in common use as a rat poison before it was used in medicine.
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
16-10-2012, 17:12
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Re: Licence's
Originally Posted by Chris SUI JURIS
who knows you might even be able to afford to study at oxford 
Who said I did not study at Oxford. 
Your still STEALING, which makes you a thief. end of 
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"
Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
16-10-2012, 17:22
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Re: Licence's
Originally Posted by susie123
Perhaps you'd like to take a look at this article, sorry it's about USA rather than UK but it's a useful summary.
Why Fluoridation Is Important
As for rat poison, here's a quote from the article I just mentioned:
Half-truths are commonly used. For example, saying that fluoride is a rat poison ignores the fact that poison is a matter of dose. [Think we may have been here before in the vaccine thread.] Large amounts of many substances—even pure water—can poison people. But the trace amount of fluoride contained in fluoridated water will not harm anyone.
Warfarin, a drug commonly used to thin the blood and prevent clotting, was also in common use as a rat poison before it was used in medicine.
Just because in very small doses fluoride may be good for teeth does that out weigh the other health problems?, i think they first used it to make the prisoners submissive,,anyway back to Licence's please 
16-10-2012, 17:27
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Re: Licence's
Originally Posted by susie123
Perhaps you'd like to take a look at this article, sorry it's about USA rather than UK but it's a useful summary.
Why Fluoridation Is Important
As for rat poison, here's a quote from the article I just mentioned:
Half-truths are commonly used. For example, saying that fluoride is a rat poison ignores the fact that poison is a matter of dose. [Think we may have been here before in the vaccine thread.] Large amounts of many substances—even pure water—can poison people. But the trace amount of fluoride contained in fluoridated water will not harm anyone.
Warfarin, a drug commonly used to thin the blood and prevent clotting, was also in common use as a rat poison before it was used in medicine.
For every article claiming fluoride benefits there are others that say it is toxic,
I prefer to believe this one
Fluoride Action Network | Brain
"In 2007, scientists from the Neurotoxicology Division of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency identified fluoride as having “substantial evidence” of “developmental neurotoxicity.” A developmental neurotoxin is a chemical that can damage the young, developing brain."
"In July of 2012, a team of Harvard researchers published a “meta-analysis” of 27 studies that have investigated the relationship between fluoride and human intelligence. (Choi 2012) The overwhelming majority of these studies found that fluoride exposure was associated with reduced IQ in children. In fact, 26 of the 27 studies that met the Harvard team’s inclusion criteria found a relationship between elevated fluoride and reduced IQ. The Harvard team thus concluded that fluoride’s effect on the developing brain of children should be a “high research priority” in countries like the U.S. where, despite mass fluoridation programs, no studies have yet been conducted to investigate the issue."
"As noted by Dr. Philippe Grandjean, an environmental health scientist at the Harvard School of Public Health: “Fluoride seems to fit in with lead, mercury, and other poisons that cause chemical brain drain. The effect of each toxicant may seem small, but the combined damage on a population scale can be serious, especially because the brain power of the next generation is crucial to all of us.”
16-10-2012, 17:27
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Re: Licence's
What bit of my post did you not understand?
I am aware that habitual criminals will try very hard to justify their wrong doing in all sorts of ways.
Simply ignoring someone is one of those.
It is now obvious you know nothing about the finer points of water purification and therefore you are a layman, much like the rest of us.
Next you will be telling me how to pilot a Jet Aircraft.
But back to your Television Licence and Water Bill theft.
Your still STEALING, which makes you a thief. end of 
Its quite a simple test, do you receive something or use a service without paying for it? Yes or No
Well seeing on TWO counts you said yes, that's Theft.
Therefore you are a criminal.
Maybe not in your belief, but certainly in the rest of the society of this land.
Better turn yourself in son
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"
Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
16-10-2012, 17:31
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Re: Licence's
Originally Posted by Boeing Guy
Who said I did not study at Oxford. 
Your still STEALING, which makes you a thief. end of 
Technically :A person is guilty of theft if he dishonestly takes property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it,,,i've been honest with them 
16-10-2012, 17:37
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Re: Licence's
Originally Posted by MargaretR
For every article claiming fluoride benefits there are others that say it is toxic,
I prefer to believe this one
Fluoride Action Network | Brain
"In 2007, scientists from the Neurotoxicology Division of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency identified fluoride as having “substantial evidence” of “developmental neurotoxicity.” A developmental neurotoxin is a chemical that can damage the young, developing brain."
"In July of 2012, a team of Harvard researchers published a “meta-analysis” of 27 studies that have investigated the relationship between fluoride and human intelligence. (Choi 2012) The overwhelming majority of these studies found that fluoride exposure was associated with reduced IQ in children. In fact, 26 of the 27 studies that met the Harvard team’s inclusion criteria found a relationship between elevated fluoride and reduced IQ. The Harvard team thus concluded that fluoride’s effect on the developing brain of children should be a “high research priority” in countries like the U.S. where, despite mass fluoridation programs, no studies have yet been conducted to investigate the issue."
"As noted by Dr. Philippe Grandjean, an environmental health scientist at the Harvard School of Public Health: “Fluoride seems to fit in with lead, mercury, and other poisons that cause chemical brain drain. The effect of each toxicant may seem small, but the combined damage on a population scale can be serious, especially because the brain power of the next generation is crucial to all of us.”
Believe what you will sue, i do 
16-10-2012, 17:38
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Re: Licence's
Well done Chris SUI JURIS, your the very first person in six years to go on my ignore list.
you can play with semantics of the Theft Act all you want.
You would not last 5 mins in a court of law.
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"
Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
16-10-2012, 17:47
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Re: Licence's
Originally Posted by Boeing Guy
What bit of my post did you not understand?
I am aware that habitual criminals will try very hard to justify their wrong doing in all sorts of ways.
Simply ignoring someone is one of those.
It is now obvious you know nothing about the finer points of water purification and therefore you are a layman, much like the rest of us.
Next you will be telling me how to pilot a Jet Aircraft.
But back to your Television Licence and Water Bill theft.
Your still STEALING, which makes you a thief. end of 
Its quite a simple test, do you receive something or use a service without paying for it? Yes or No
Well seeing on TWO counts you said yes, that's Theft.
Therefore you are a criminal.
Maybe not in your belief, but certainly in the rest of the society of this land.
Better turn yourself in son
  looks like i'm 1 man crime wave,,,you'll find the real criminals are CEO of UU,TVL,ENERGY COMPANYS etc
sorry dad what was i turning myself in for again,,,, O thats right theft of water and TVL evasion,,,,i wouldnt know what to say to police apart from it's none of there business 
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