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garinda 22-01-2010 23:16

Obituaries of noted Accringtonians.
Still searching for local artistic connections, I'm coming across other locally born people who've made their mark on the world.

I thought it would be wiser to keep them in a separate thread.

Please feel free to add any others you might come across.

Professor Leslie Howarth, mathematician (1911- 2001)

Professor Leslie Howarth - Obituaries, News - The Independent

garinda 23-01-2010 00:14

Re: Obituaries of noted Accringtonians.
William Ashworth, Professor Emeritus (1883 - 1960)

University of California: In Memoriam, April 1962

garinda 23-01-2010 00:49

Re: Obituaries of noted Accringtonians.
Prescott, James Arthur (1890 - 1987)

Born Bolton, but educated in Accrington, when the family returned to England from France.

Following the return to England, and after a year at Spring Hill Elementary School devoted to reestablishing his command of English and gaining familiarity with the Imperial system of weights and measures, he spent the period 1903 to 1908 in secondary education at the Accrington Municipal Secondary School, later to be the Grammar School. Here he was awarded scholarships by the Accrington Co-operative Society and by Bridge Mechanical. His Leaving Scholarship to the University, awarded by the Lancashire County Council, was based on his results at the Higher Alternative Matriculation Examination.

AAS Biographical Memoirs - James Arthur Prescott 1890-1987

Prescott, James Arthur - Bright Sparcs Biographical entry

James Arthur Prescott - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

James Arthur Prescott. 7 October 1890-6 February 1987 — Biographical Memoirs

AAS-Biographical memoirs-Prescott

garinda 23-01-2010 02:09

Re: Obituaries of noted Accringtonians.
Professor John Proctor (1944 - 2006)

Pioneer of tropical forest ecology

Professor John Proctor - Obituaries, News - The Independent

garinda 23-01-2010 02:18

Re: Obituaries of noted Accringtonians.
Professor Roland Barnes (1907 – 1998)

garinda 23-01-2010 02:41

Re: Obituaries of noted Accringtonians.
James Barlow Macalpine was born on February 11, 1882, at Accrington, the son of Sir George W. Macalpine.

Roundworms Wanted -- Taffs 1 (5178): 1059 -- British Medical Journal

A member of the Eugenics Society, (1937 -1957).
British Eugenics Society - Ma-Mc

A rather beautiful illustration, in the Arts and Crafts style, of the Macalpines house, Broad Oak, by Thomas Hayton Mawson

View of Garden Broad Oak Accrington from The Art and Craft of Garden Making by Thomas Mawson reproduction by Thomas Hayton Mawson -

MargaretR 23-01-2010 02:56

Re: Obituaries of noted Accringtonians.

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 781356)
James Barlow Macalpine was born on February 11, 1882, at Accrington, the son of Sir George W. Macalpine.

A member of the Eugenics Society, (1937 -1957).
British Eugenics Society - Ma-Mc

If you take the trouble to find out what that society are and were about :eek:- you won't be proud that he was born in Accrington

garinda 23-01-2010 03:12

Re: Obituaries of noted Accringtonians.

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 781358)
If you take the trouble to find out what that society are and were about :eek:- you won't be proud that he was born in Accrington

I know exactly what they were about.
I'm merely recording the fact he was a member.
We discussed Marie Stopes being a member of the same Society on page 4 this thread.

garinda 23-01-2010 03:22

Re: Obituaries of noted Accringtonians.
Harold Davenport (1907 - 1969)

English mathematician, known for his extensive work in number theory.

Harold Davenport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Davenport biography

StateMaster - Encyclopedia: Harold Davenport

Harold Davenport: Facts, Discussion Forum, and Encyclopedia Article

garinda 23-01-2010 09:39

Re: Obituaries of noted Accringtonians.
Smirk, Frederick Horace (1902 - 1991)

Professor of medicine

garinda 23-01-2010 10:00

Re: Obituaries of noted Accringtonians.
John Grimshaw (1789 - 1851)
Soldier Coldstream Guards and Lancashire Weaver.
(Fought at Waterloo.)

John Grimshaw, Coldstream Guards

Atarah 23-01-2010 10:23

Re: Obituaries of noted Accringtonians.
Smashing thread again Garinda! Keep up the good work. Bob Dobson, you there? Makings of another book/leaflet here!

garinda 23-01-2010 10:39

Re: Obituaries of noted Accringtonians.

Originally Posted by Atarah (Post 781427)
Smashing thread again Garinda! Keep up the good work. Bob Dobson, you there? Makings of another book/leaflet here!

I do have to keep using the search facility on make sure you haven't already mentioned them! :p

As was the case with cricketer Reginald Hargreaves (1852 - 1926), born at Oakhill Park.

You corrected the statement that he didn't live there with his wife Alice Liddell, inspiration for Alice in Wonderland, in this thread.

Reginald Hargreaves - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Reginald Hargreaves | England Cricket | Cricket Players and Officials |

Alice Liddell was Alice in Wonderland

Incidentally I worked in the costume department on the 1985 film Dreamchild, written by Dennis Potter, and starring Coral Browne, which was based on Alice Liddell's life.

Bob Dobson 23-01-2010 10:43

Re: Obituaries of noted Accringtonians.
Am reading this with great interest, as the majority of them are new to me. Some of them were Accrington Grammar school boys. At some time I would like to record these in a single file in the library. Am short of time. Garinda - have a looksee at Mr Bulleid, railway engineer, an AGSOB.

garinda 23-01-2010 10:53

Re: Obituaries of noted Accringtonians.

Originally Posted by Bob Dobson (Post 781435)
Garinda - have a looksee at Mr Bulleid, railway engineer, an AGSOB.

I missed him, thank you. Although Atarah had alreay mentioned him here...

Oliver Vaughan Snell Bulleid (1882 - 1970)

Oliver Bulleid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Building Bulleid's Locos

Oliver Bulleid

Oliver Bulleid Detail

O.V.S. Bulleid - Visionary

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