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Retlaw 05-03-2010 12:32

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by Atarah (Post 794403)
Also, although Retlaw will no doubt criticise this statement, an old newspaper article states" Another interesting bit of information given by the late Mr Whitham is that an old lady named Betty Ingham (hee Ashworth) who died at Gallows Hall Farm in 1856, aged 96 years, used to say she remembered the building of the present tower at the Spire Farm. This bears out the statement of the late Mr Abram, the historian of Blackburn, to the effect that the tower was removed from old High Riley to its present site in 1801"

Don't need to critisise, 2nd hand or hearsay info is not accepted in a court of law, and any thing writen by ainsworth is suspect before it even gets off the ground.

RHFOY 05-03-2010 16:04

Re: Spire farm development
Ha ha ha yes it does but believe me the cost for all the renovation and restoration far outways the profit, but its a property of unique status and will be kept as a family heirloom for many many years to come.

RHFOY 05-03-2010 16:09

Re: Spire farm development
Thank you retlaw great facts to read, would you be able to advise were i could get(if any) inteirior photos from early 1900?

RHFOY 05-03-2010 16:18

Re: Spire farm development
Atarah that would be very kind of you if you could get me a copy as im gathering as much history as possible for myself family and future generations.

Retlaw 05-03-2010 18:07

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by RHFOY (Post 794440)
Thank you retlaw great facts to read, would you be able to advise were i could get(if any) inteirior photos from early 1900?

The only place I can suggest is my 2nd home
Accy Library.

Atarah 05-03-2010 18:36

Re: Spire farm development
Mr RHFoy, are you aware of the existence of a local history video, which shows your building and I think footage of a field being ploughed nearby. Cant remember the title, but will look it up for you. Would be of interest to you.

Atarah 06-03-2010 09:55

Re: Spire farm development
Hi, the video I mentioned is called ACCRINGTON, Past and Present featuring local historian Ken Scott. Think it was done around 1996.
The library DID sell copies, dont know if that still applies.

JEFF 08-03-2010 13:33

Re: Spire farm development
There is one for sale on ebay at the moment

ACCRINGTON PAST AND PRESENT. VHS. on eBay (end time 14-Mar-10 18:28:45 GMT)

rosegrove 09-03-2010 11:44

Re: Spire farm development
hi all spire farm i am sure i used to go to that farm and play with the farmers son is name was arthur it would be 1963 64 time anybody know of him but i remember that tower so i think it was there

RHFOY 09-03-2010 19:14

Re: Spire farm development
again thank you, i will ask the library again and check out ebay as suggested by jeff, ive picked up a copy of old homesteads from the library and now know alot more facts,about the tower especially.

RHFOY 09-03-2010 19:37

Re: Spire farm development
thank you jeff and for the very helpfull link as it didnt come up on ebay, im trying to bid now but ebay have lost my details, if you know the person or there email i will make a good offer for it jeff

RHFOY 09-03-2010 19:53

Re: Spire farm development
thank you retlaw ill go and have a look again

RHFOY 09-03-2010 20:12

Re: Spire farm development
hi rosegrove, the previous owners for many years were the jackson family so may be it was an arthur jackson, is son tom still lives and runs the farm at high riley cottages were the tower used to be before it was demolished and rebuilt at spire farm, which was called high riley farm many years ago

Retlaw 09-03-2010 22:35

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by RHFOY (Post 795660)
hi rosegrove, the previous owners for many years were the jackson family so may be it was an arthur jackson, is son tom still lives and runs the farm at high riley cottages were the tower used to be before it was demolished and rebuilt at spire farm, which was called high riley farm many years ago

Its a long time since Jacksons were at Spire, wasn't the last person there called Strak or something similar.
What farm is there at High Riley Cottages. The land round there was either Spire or West farm.

West Farms lands were bounded by the stream that runs behind the cottages. Now chopped of by the Bypass.

JEFF 10-03-2010 13:15

Re: Spire farm development

Originally Posted by RHFOY (Post 795642)
thank you jeff and for the very helpfull link as it didnt come up on ebay, im trying to bid now but ebay have lost my details, if you know the person or there email i will make a good offer for it jeff

Try the shop at the bottom of Burnley Road, next to the taxi office, across the road from the Broadway pub. They might have a copy.

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